Happy to have landed here


Hello all,

I am an "experienced" grower I would guess as I have been growing for over four years now. Been through all of the problems with learning anything let alone to get self sufficient.

My location is in the Portland Oregon area and I am an OMMP patient, along with my wife. We are both retired and she is disabled needing me to be home all the time. This leaves me the time to devote to this effort. As my former profession as an engineer, (now don't hold that against me)led me to design tmy dream grow room.

My primary grow is in a grow shed that I designed and constructed, my dream grow room. Also I grow for about 4 to 6 patients here in Oregon plus do a fair amount of gifting to our local community.

Some of the things that I have been working on is how to produce more from less, less money and less problems. I will start a thread on what I have been doing periodically as I have some good pictures documenting it all, that is the engineer in me.

Here is one of my latest little girls, a Medijuanna ready for harvest.



nice plant - what kind of side lights in that picture ?
That side light is a 600 w HPS in my home made fixture. The overhead light is also a 600 w HPS. Also they are driven by Lumitek 240V ballasts, they really extend the bulb's life.

All of my girls set on turntables I call Spinners, they rotate at 1 RPM so all of them turn. These were hand made by me in the garage, seems like I am always into making stuff. Getting back to the side light concept, the plants only need one bulb if they rotate. A couple of benefits are achieved by this the leaves can go right past the hot bulb without burning. Also it spreads the light down to the bottom and that is where I get about 1/3 more per plant. A good return.

Need to get bust and post a thread on this new concept as it works really great.

Here is a picture of an Ice at 7 weeks to give you a idea of what the concept is.


