Hanna phep


I didn't know where to post this and since I'm a first time grower I'm posting it here. Does anyone else have any experience with Hanna Instruments PHEP? It's the orange ph tester that runs about $50.00. The first one I bought quit after about a week. The guy at the hydro store exchanged it for a new one and took some time talking to me about his experience with it. But after using it for a couple of months I don't trust it. It never seems to match the adjusting solution when I check it. When I ph my water I cross check with one of those GH test tube and solution kits that you cross reference with a color chart and they never match. I have more faith in the color chart method.

I guess if I wanted a good one I should have spent more? Does anyone else have any experience or advice on how to keep this instrument calibrated correctly?