

Ursus marijanus
So it ends not with a bang but a whimper?? I would think that if any thread here deserved a Sticky, it would be such a sticky thread. cn



Active Member
i used to have this as my avatar until rolli took it down, apparently some hamophobes found it offensive.

hamophobia is wrong, people. the pig couldn't help being born that way, and i don't think the pig had any control over being turned into a faggot.
Looks tasty, I eat mine with a side of



Ursus marijanus
I have a mental image of using one of those buns to chase the man-balls around the plate, as they desperately try to keep away ... cn

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
captain pissgums was not as erotic as hoped.

i dont wanna get B& or V& so ill only post the cover of the incredible story of Titi Fricoteur, Apprentice Cocksman.


it's french. or maybe belgian. like a filthy TinTin comic


Ursus marijanus
Pissgums was never positioned to be outright erotic. ZAP was more about Freakin the Squares ... I believe that tale was published in '68. Yub yub. cn