Half Leaves


Active Member
M plants where planted on 3/16 from clone. so they are a little over 6 weeks old. im feeding them gen hydro maxigrow, at 600PPm 1 time per week. growing in pro-mix. 18/6 lighting with shop lights, t12's. My PH is being adjusted with PH down to take it from 8.3ish to 6.3-6.8. Temp in the room is 73 degree. Humidity is a bit on the low side at 30-40%. for some reason the newer growth is growing with half leaves. most of my plants are doing this. I really hope u guys can help me with this problem. Thanks is advance.




Well-Known Member
Your stems have red in them. That means they have a magnesium def. If you are only feeding them once every 7 days I would maybe bump it to once every 5 days and see if you notice any improvement. As far the leaves looking like they are chewed off, I don't have an answer for you. I personally would go buy a book on growing because it will have all the information you need in it. The one I got is called the growers bible and it has been very helpful. Looking online can lead you astray a lot of the time because you get answers from people who think they know what they are talking about. If buying a book isn't something you can do, just make sure you find as many things online as you can on the topic so you can get a consensus instead of settling on the first or second thing you find. Good luck! If you get a chance, I would like to see what you find out about the leaves.


Active Member
I am kind of going through the same thing as yours I think. By the looks of it,all the younger leaves are the ones that are lighter and yellowing from the back of the leaf towards the tip and the old leaves are still normal green...Not really sure what it is either but I know some deficiency's can cause mutated or small leaf symptoms. From what I have been reading you can lock out some nutes just by not phing your water down far enough. They say the soil buffers ph but who knows. Let me know what you figure out..I have same issue with a few weird leaves. I feed at 6.7 and im thinking I might have locked out a few things from a higher ph so I just did a mini flush with straight water around ph 6.3 and ill see if it helps at all


Well-Known Member
8.3..........that's alotta ph downing you hafta do. red stems = stress, not specifically Mg def. phosphorus lock-out, secondary to an alkaline soil is my bet.