Half CFL / Half Outdoor


New Member
Hi, I'm doing 12 hour outdoor and 6 hours indoor. The indoor CFL's are 42 Watts. What can I expect from the yield? More than 1g per watt?


Well-Known Member
Is this a joke or are we being serious here. First off why they weird in/out shit, second if you are giving them 18hrs a day they will always be in veg so you would yield a nice big green plant, well seeing if you keep it alive the whole time. Not being a dick here but reallly, I mean really.



New Member
Try to use your brain, c'mon... I have just 42w CFL. That's why i'm putting them outside. 18 hours on 42W, will give me poor results. So 2/3 of the time the plants get more than 42w.