Had a bit of an episode yesterday.....


Active Member
so im on my back porch and just finished a joint. i am baked. my stupid ass dog who has never acted mean before ran after this dauschund and bit it, i think, anyways it was yelping and stuff so the owner had picked it up and was checking it out by the time i got over there and HE WAS PISSED. looking back on it now i see that i overreacted...a little...or a lot. i put 5 beautiful seedlings down the disposal and threw a bunch of bag seeds in the toilet and hit my stash in some bushes outside.....i know, i know......crazy stuff.

so my question is, is there some way to stop yourself from freaking out like that.

my thought process was, guy calls the cops on my dog, cops smell weed, have probably cause to come inside, find all my other shit---->the end.

so is there some sort of breathing exercise or like close your eyes and count to 10 that helps with the whole paranoia thing that happens when something bad happens and you are really high?

or am i the only one who has ever done anything like that?


Well-Known Member
Whoa....just whoa....scary shit if ya ask me...but if you already threw all your shit out then you got nothing to worry about.lol


Well-Known Member
Hey, you might have freaked out, but if you're in a state were weed carries a prison sentence, Isn't it better to be safe than sorry? You can always grow more...I mean, 99% of the time, nothing will happen, but what about that 1% where you're right? Not a horriple thought process for paranoia, and if he had called the cops they almost definately would have come(unless they had something better to do, which we know they most likely didn't)

But if it's a state where weed is a misdemeanor, yes, you overreacted...As for paranoia when you're high, drink some OJ and eat something sweet, wait 15 minutes before making rash decisions...Usually sweets will level you out. Sounds weird, but thats what they tell rookie smokers in Amsterdam when they freak.

Billy Piper

Active Member
I started making irrational decisions a few years ago after smoking for 20 years.
The answer for me was to not smoke when i had to deal with life.
The other option is to get wasted all day-every day because then you dont give a fuck!


New Member
Shoulda put the owner of the gay dog in your trunk till things blow over. Unless you have a small dog yourself, then your feminine overreaction is natural and unpreventable.


Well-Known Member
Hey, real quick, do you exercise? If you dont, i would highly recommend beginning an exercise program before you end up with a domestic violence case on your hands. If you need help with program design, feel free and i will gladly help you out.

so im on my back porch and just finished a joint. i am baked. my stupid ass dog who has never acted mean before ran after this dauschund and bit it, i think, anyways it was yelping and stuff so the owner had picked it up and was checking it out by the time i got over there and HE WAS PISSED. looking back on it now i see that i overreacted...a little...or a lot. i put 5 beautiful seedlings down the disposal and threw a bunch of bag seeds in the toilet and hit my stash in some bushes outside.....i know, i know......crazy stuff.

so my question is, is there some way to stop yourself from freaking out like that.

my thought process was, guy calls the cops on my dog, cops smell weed, have probably cause to come inside, find all my other shit---->the end.

so is there some sort of breathing exercise or like close your eyes and count to 10 that helps with the whole paranoia thing that happens when something bad happens and you are really high?

or am i the only one who has ever done anything like that?


New Member
Hey, real quick, do you exercise? If you dont, i would highly recommend beginning an exercise program before you end up with a domestic violence case on your hands. If you need help with program design, feel free and i will gladly help you out.
Why do I not remember your old forum name?


Active Member
Yes i would have been in deep shit had I been caught so that's the way I was looking at it too metasynth. Yes I run a little over a mile 3 times a week. Yes I was stoned. Yes I have a big dog.

From your responses it makes me feel like I wasn't out of line to bad.
Thanks for the responses.