Hackers Breach U.S. Defense Contractors Security Networks


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Hackers Breach U.S. Defense Contractors Security Networks

Internet Censorship is coming to the world.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
Hopefully all data is compromised and released on wikileaks
What good would that do? Do you want your tax dollars wasted on projects that cant go forward now because they have been compromised?

You are essentially championing waste and jeopardizing national security.


Well-Known Member
What good would that do? Do you want your tax dollars wasted on projects that cant go forward now because they have been compromised?

You are essentially championing waste and jeopardizing national security.
Given a choice, I would rather have the money stolen from me, against my will, back in my pocket.
Billions of dollars spent couldn't prevent 9/11. of course our foreign policy was the cause. "You can't kill all the terrorists but you can kill the reason they want to become terrorists"


Well-Known Member
won't they just take more now to "enhance" their security?
Quite to the contrary, they will use this attack as an excuse to install internet kill switches and handlers that will scour the net shutting down all web sites that government deems as "Subversive".


Well-Known Member
What good would that do? Do you want your tax dollars wasted on projects that cant go forward now because they have been compromised?

You are essentially championing waste and jeopardizing national security.
The cry of the government at the feet of wikileaks. I guarantee our DoD has more information on the citizens of America, than it does on outside threats. It's not a war on terror, it's a war on America. It really only jeopardizes their investigations on us via the Patriot Act. Besides, haven't you noticed anytime our government finds something that al qaeda is planning against us they release it to the media? If they were so secretively trying to undermine these projects that would be secret. Case and point: the al qaeda tapes planning an attack on LA.

On average, according to the report, each installed wiretap intercepted the communications of 94 different people. In other words, the 2,119 installed wiretaps reported in 2007 intercepted the communications of nearly two hundred thousand people! https://ssd.eff.org/wire/govt/wiretap-statistics
"Roving" wiretap orders are especially powerful. Instead of being limited to particular phone lines or Internet accounts, these orders allow the police to tap any phone or computer that the suspect uses, even if it isn't specified in the order itself. In 2007, 21 roving wiretap orders were reported by state authorities, mostly in narcotics cases. The federal authorities didn't report any roving wiretaps, but that doesn't mean they didn't use them; the Department of Justice likely thinks all of its roving wiretaps were in cases too "sensitive" to warrant reporting.

Over 80% of all reported wiretap orders in 2007 were issued in drug investigations.
This is supposed to be used to defend us against terrorists, not narcotics. Oh wait, according to Bush narcotics dealers are terrorists, or at least supporting them. Makes sense...


Well-Known Member
Quite to the contrary, they will use this attack as an excuse to install internet kill switches and handlers that will scour the net shutting down all web sites that government deems as "Subversive".
i should apply for this job. ;)


Well-Known Member
the trolls ate it. :(
that was funny

Several said it and are correct...These kinds of events are going to be used to police the internet. Think of it as a virtually untapped market for defense contractors themselves...Hell it wouldn't surprise me in the least if it was all staged to manufature a need for the specific market....Not like its never been done before h'uh???
Oh we'll just sit by and wait until it's too late and line up with the rest of the herd LOL

Chad Sexington

Active Member
that was funny

Several said it and are correct...These kinds of events are going to be used to police the internet. Think of it as a virtually untapped market for defense contractors themselves...Hell it wouldn't surprise me in the least if it was all staged to manufature a need for the specific market....Not like its never been done before h'uh???
Oh we'll just sit by and wait until it's too late and line up with the rest of the herd LOL
I agree with you, because the real secret stuff is always on a closed network.


Well-Known Member

it would be scary to think our national secrets are hooked up to a cable wire.