Guns N' Roses are back!


Well-Known Member
Well I understand where you're comming from, you also have to realise they walke dout on the band.. he didn't make them leave, and he didn't ask 'em to leave.. but nobody gets mad when they put out a new Velvet revolver Cd with a singer that wishes he was Axl..

Like I said, he owns the name Guns n' roses.. so he's intiteled to put it out under whatever name he wants.. and the hold out on a reunion is slash and duff.. so if you're gonna hate on anybody, hate on slash and Duff.. they walke dout on Axl..

I'm not argueing withyou.. just pointing out the facts.. and We the fans allow him to treat us this way.. I wont buy tickets to his shows because the last time I did, he canceled the tour and I didnt get my money back.. you live and you learn.. but you don't hate the music, and you sure ashell don;t take it personal.. did you know Queen ws putting out an album and going on tour.. without Freddy.. but I don;t see anybody gettin mad about it... you just appreciate the music.. don;t worry about the person/persons doing it
Haha, he canceled one of the shows I bought tickets to also... and then midway through another he walks off for like 25 minutes.. they finally coaxed him back out. It was dumb.. the guy is a moron.


New Member
I just finished listening to the new everything is synthesized... he should definately change the name of the band.....just my personal opinion ....definately not worth buying...


Well-Known Member
I'll have to give it a ear I guess.Never was a hugh fan of GnR but do like some of there stuff.Have to add it to the collection just the same.:peace:


Well-Known Member
I like it.. it's definatley an Axl Rose album.. Shackler's revenge and scraped are the weakest of the songs.. I really like This I love and there was a time.. sorry's pretty good aswell.. very good guitar solo's..


Well-Known Member
so far, I've had mixed feelings about the CD.....i like it, but wished i loved it. it's taken so long and been a such a production that i wish i could at least say i love it.

i'm requesting an acoustic version, or maybe something without all the effects. :blsmoke: but i don't want to wait another decade or

i read a reveiw somewhere that said it would've been a great album if it came out 10 or more years ago....a good follow up to use your illusion. at this point i agree with that. and i agree with BDM, seperate the music from the drama. i can't take anyone seriously that judges music based on what it should be called or who fucked who over in the band or some equally riduculous reason.lmfao.


Well-Known Member
I think if you take away shackler's revenge, and scraped, then in my opinion, it's a great album.. but alot of people don;t really care for if the world.. I think it's a good song.. but you have to give it time... I don't think it's a GREAT album.. but it's good.. I like it.. I'm alittle partial, cause Axl's like my hero.. but I try to look at it from a music fan perspective.. but I know thats alittle hard to do..

I love the guitar solo's on all the song's.. I think they're amazing, and at time's, better than what I think slash coulda done.. but I also think they show how much Axl misses slash.. and how much he still live's in slash's shadow.. because there's just soo many, and they're unually long.. like they're saying "see, I don't need you.. I don't need slash, see.."

All together though, you're partially right.. If you could go back and release it ten.. hell, even the year they appeared on MTV.. this woulda been an even better selling album.. I dont' think it was ready to be released ten years ago though...

I don't think he was doing anything ten years ago.. I really don't... maybe i'm wrong.. but from all the leaks and demo's i've heard since 2000.. the songs have all been a work in progress... go back and listen to madagascar when they did rock in Rio3, and when they did the house of blues, the tour, the last demo's that were leaked, and the album.. and if you know anything about making music.. ever even seen and heard a band create a song.. it sounds like they're pretty good.. but they were being worked out into what they are today...

I could be wrong, and Axl could be the mad scientist everybody say's he is.. creating and tinkering.. rearranging, adding, mixing, recording, re-recording..

and if that's the case.. from listening to the production that went into alot of these songs and the progression of which I've heard 'em since the start of 2000 to now.. I'd LOVE to wtach him in the studio.. from the time he starts to create shit in his head, all the way to the very end.. Which, history has shown can be fuckin impossible since he cant keep the same band together long enough to make an album.. I still would love the opportunity to watch him..

There's said to be together three albums worth of songs.. and there's a few songs I heard that never made teh album, like Silkworms, and a song called the General was rumored to have been heard and axl said it would be on a second or third album... and you know how Axl and rumours go.. you can never tell..

I would like to hear them.. but you never know.. the album's offcial release ended up being number four in sales.. which isn't so bad with no promotion.. but I'm sure teh record company and most definatley Axl are not satisfied with that.. so who knows what'll happen now...


Well-Known Member
You mean I'm completely right.:mrgreen:we're not debating the musical genius of GnR or axl.

you know I came away from reading slash's bio with the impression that he is a mad scientist.....genius often is mad right? i think that the sheer number of years it took to produce the album is evidence of poor execution of music. and i agree that guy misses slash all day long--

in the end i love it too, but when i compare it to sum other cd's that have been released lately i can't help but wonder wtf?

Kings of Leon's new cd, only by the night, is a slam dunk masterpiece that flows perfectly and jams hard. exceptional riffs and refreshingly different melodic bass lines that jump from every song, it's gauranteed good time. gettin high and listening to that cd is perfect.... get it and listen if you haven't already.

i worshipped axl as a kid. you simply cannot refute his musical genius, and i wont even dignify arguments that state otherwise with an answer. as far as i'm concerned that's never up for disscusion. he is one of the greatest--but i'm dissapointed in the cd...i guess that's to be expected tho given the amount of time we were looking forward to it-

i had it on during a rain soaked walked this am and was diggin it. i'll keep listening no doubt..

favorite rock drummer bdm?


Well-Known Member
You mean I'm completely right.:mrgreen:we're not debating the musical genius of GnR or axl.

you know I came away from reading slash's bio with the impression that he is a mad scientist.....genius often is mad right? i think that the sheer number of years it took to produce the album is evidence of poor execution of music. and i agree that guy misses slash all day long--

in the end i love it too, but when i compare it to sum other cd's that have been released lately i can't help but wonder wtf?

Kings of Leon's new cd, only by the night, is a slam dunk masterpiece that flows perfectly and jams hard. exceptional riffs and refreshingly different melodic bass lines that jump from every song, it's gauranteed good time. gettin high and listening to that cd is perfect.... get it and listen if you haven't already.

i worshipped axl as a kid. you simply cannot refute his musical genius, and i wont even dignify arguments that state otherwise with an answer. as far as i'm concerned that's never up for disscusion. he is one of the greatest--but i'm dissapointed in the cd...i guess that's to be expected tho given the amount of time we were looking forward to it-

i had it on during a rain soaked walked this am and was diggin it. i'll keep listening no doubt..

favorite rock drummer bdm?

yeah.. I agree.. in today's music scene, it make's you think "huh?".. but at the sametime.. Axl's not really about today's music scene.. he's about Axl's music

I think he tries too hard.. with songs like scraped and shackler revenge.. it sounded like he was trying to do welcome to the jungle again.. and it just isn't in him.. I don;t think that raw anger's there anymore..

I been meaning toc heck out slash's book.. but I always worry that when it comes to Axl, that it's always one sided.. like there's no room for compliment's when theys tart talking about him.. like the VH1 behind teh music.. where everybody BUT axl got to speak their opinion..

and yes.. I think Axl's the Freddy Mercury of our generation.. the way it's never just a song.. there's so much that he pours into it and wants it to be bigger and bigger.. I just wish the music world would look past teh shit he's done, and just give him the credit and validation he deserves.. without mentioning all the BS.. I think that would go along way in him being able to let all the other shit go... I think he feel's the pressure and really believes that nobody validates him without slash and everybody else..

My favorite drummer's are Joey Jordison of slipknot and Neil Pert.. you?