guitar trip eye candy


Well-Known Member
Haha, man. Jenkees must get a lot of pussy with this squinty-eyed super-innocent musician routine... I almost want to cuddle him, and I'm a hetero male...


Well-Known Member
haters gonna hate....

course, sometimes its just men with small penises being doucebags.....
I think the previous poster was just such an event..


Global Moderator
Staff member
Speaking of Eye candy that sounds bitching.



Well-Known Member
I think this guy is pretty awesome, and innovative.



Well-Known Member

this is pretty badd ass also..

You gotta listen to the full song for the real appreciation, but this vid is kool cuz it shows the playing.
Ya, that guy is sick. That jam reminded me of some Buckethead.


Well-Known Member
funny you should mention it. iv had this loaded in a tab for a few hours, and havent had a chance to watch it yet...
