Guide to Nutrient Deficiency or Toxicity


Well-Known Member
yea ive grown like 4 times and everytime I use cfl's. the only thing holding me back from a hps is money....or else i would have got a son agro 430 w. But every other time ive grown its succesfull. i just make sure the lights are really close so i get good internode stem length. and a decent amount of lummons.
But i just got a big ass pot, its at least 5 gallons, but i dont have enough dirt. i got some dirt from my fire pit with all the ashes, and a lil bit of organic dirt. i dont know which one to replant. the plant with the bigger pot has some good buds on it now but the one with the tiny pot is very tall but has NO buds...and its week 7. oh yea....and i have 2 fans. one is moving all the time.


Well-Known Member
i got 4 more cfl's at 1600 lumons a peice. now i have 10. and the 2 florecent tubes and 1 4' florecent tube. so there is 13,900 lumons in the cfl's alone. and i transplanted both of them. i got my hands on some coco roots. and addd that with some perlite and dirt/ash from the fire pit. ph is 7 now. the big pot is at least 5 gallons. the tall plant was in a tiny 1 qt. pot haha but now its in a 1.5 gallon poy. hopefully it grows bud now.


I had what I beleived to be a magnesium deficiency. I'm not so sure anymore if that is it or if it is a burn of some sort. If anyone could help me I would greatly appreciate it. I water once every 2-3 days about a half a gallon of ph adjusted tap water. Ph is usually from 5.5 to 6.0. I do not have a tds / ec meter so I'm not too sure what the ppm of my water is (this is pretty foolish, I know). I use nutes every other feeding (david's/simple path). I was using only half strength but switched to full strength too see if this would solve my problem. It seems as if it is spreading. I made a post with more information a few days ago but wasn't able to put pics up.


Well-Known Member
IMG_20121129_153550.jpgIMG_20121129_153626.jpgIMG_20121129_153653.jpgIMG_20121129_153723.jpgIMG_20121129_153733.jpgIMG_20121129_153742.jpgIMG_20121129_153904.jpgIMG_20121129_153911.jpgIMG_20121129_153920.jpgIMG_20121129_154027.jpgThe first plant isnt growing bud and i dont know why. its almost week 8 in flowering. And the 2nd plant i dont know if its a burn or deficancy. anyone know??


Well-Known Member
Dense buds require real lighting. I mentioned this before but CFLs will not give you the kind of results you are looking for.

From the looks of it you are least 4-5 weeks from done.


Well-Known Member
hell yea! i know that. i just dont know the problem. and for being lite with cfl's....there is alot of light. but yea i need better. and i think that one plant will grow for like 2 months at least. maybe more. ive NEVER heard of a sativa taking 16+ weeks but i guess it will.
Oh yea...i know u told me before but now that i have really good pics are you still thinking its a deficancy??


Well-Known Member
Keep in mind that lumens aren't cumulative. Adding more lamps does not increase output. Just the footprint you can light.

Think about it like 2 taking 2 flashlights and putting them together. It doesn't get twice as bright. Just wider.

Sativas can take 14-16-18 sometimes depending on strain and environment.

It actually looks a bit burnt at the tips, Long flower ladies tend to be light feeders


Active Member
hello all i have problem the last 4 grows in the 4th week of flower ph has droped to about 5 in the run off ec keeps rising even after i ran .5water ph 5.9 for three days and then flushed them to run off .6 ec the next day gave water .5 ec and the runoff was 1.0 leaves start going yellow and fall off from bottom 70% coco 30% perlite one inch clay balls on bottom ive talked to alot of hydro shops no won can give me an answer serched on line as well theres got to be some one out there thats had this problem i think i have to raise that ph in the medium for those chemicals to be available my first post take it easy on me cherrs


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU!

Yellow leaves starting at the bottom and working thier way up is a Nitrogen def. What Are you feeding it?

EC or PPM can be important tools to look at but the balance of the salts in that measurement are more vital.


Active Member
thanks for your reply looks like you been around long time i talked to a couple people and one come up with bacterial draw down thats why he said you were right about the nitrogen deficency his saying the coco is breaking down ,i talked to a canna rep his going to email canna in holland see what they say but ive seen on a couple sites people have the same problem with other medium even recurculating system, the guy that said about the bacterial draw down said to stay away from coco just go perlite vermiculite mix recurculating or growool because of the climate what do you reckon doogleef


Active Member
by the way i didnt metion i use a local made a n b flower some local root conditioner potash and a bottle of vitamin b edhha all those hormone things i just do it simple i spent big money on canna and h&g did not fix any thing, my veg is perfect start low ec and then go to about 1.2to1.4 flower 1.6 to 1.8 temps 28 lights on off 24 humidiy 40 to 55 veg for 4 weeks flower for 8 in 14 litre pots thought it might be pot size but just ran 30l tried different stains some are sronger than others in going less pale to yellow ive got two of the strongest strain white rhino and power plant she is a beast the power the rhino has filled up but the power i dont she will fill up . im pulling the pin after this won until i sort it out im a conasoir you have a good run for years but it can come crushing down on ya i cant go through the truma any more any won can help to fix my problem ill throw a gift your way. cheers


Well-Known Member
As long as you are keeping it out of the pumps then coco is fine in a recirc system. Any fiber degradation is happening much slower than anyone should care about.

As long as your nutes have a decent mix of NPK I would just up the feed a bit to prevent early fading. You may want to run veg nutes or 1/2 and 1/2 veg/bloom for the first few weeks of bloom until the stretch is over. It will help keep your lower leaves green and attached.
