guidance needed


Well-Known Member

generally speaking i think my plants look nice.
But from time to time I find a couple of leaves that look like this:

That Looks like P def doesnt it?

some of the plants:

I think they are a maybe a bit too green on the top?

I ferted them last week with 1grow/1ml/L Bloom
Its organic fert Biobizz.

I water with about 90% Rainwater and 10% Tapwater.
pH is about 6,9-7

I checked the runoff pH and it was 5,8-5,9.

I checked the datasheet of the soil and it says pH 5,7.
So that seems within specs. But is it still a Problem?
Im using a soil that gets recommended here for europe:

Now I wanted to water a again with a goood runoff and 2ml/L Bloom as there seems enough N atleast in the tops and a small lack of P?
Or is normal even if there is no Problem when a few leaves go down like that from time to time.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
You don't "lack" P.....The low under the canopy light coloring is due to the shading from the plant canopy/lack of enough light down there.
Your in a good soil with Myco's etc. The water pH going in is good, so don't worry about the pH.
pH of the run off is just that, the pH of the run off. NOT the pH of the soil.
You water soil and the pH goes up. as the soil dries out,,,the pH goes back down.....That's natural....simply forget about the soil pH, it self adjusts.


Well-Known Member
thank you.
So everything is all right?

Dont you think they look a bit too heavy on N due to the dark colour of the leaves on top?

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
thank you.
So everything is all right?

Dont you think they look a bit too heavy on N due to the dark colour of the leaves on top?
Nope your ok. That N 'look" is from the need for more light intensity in your grow area. The lower sections of the plant are not getting enough light to photosynth enough.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Too much foliage....pop off some of those big older fan leaves so light can get threw.
Oh, shit, Jorge just got a shooting pain - LOL

I remove some fans on real bushy "pure" Indica's.That won't help to much here,,,looks like he needs what he's got!...His problem is just going to be not enough lighting intensity....
What lights are you running and how far away from the canopy?


Well-Known Member

Distance like this, shot with Flash only:


Im using DIY built Led Panels
Exactly 162W from plug.

As you can see 6 plants are jammed up in there pretty tight. Maybe thats where the lack of light comes from?
Its only 74cm x 54 cm
Flowering day 28, steadily tied them down.
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Well-Known Member
the black on the leaf is what phos defiency looks like during veg , and ph of soil should not get below 6.5or above 7.0 if it does you get nute lockout ..... hydro runs at 5.8 . ph is what is causing this problem if soil runoff is 5.8 , add a heaping tablespoon of lime into top inch of soil and straight water . good luck


Well-Known Member
so i guess its like - 3 People 3 different opinions lol

What Dr Who said about the light made most sense for me, I think


Well-Known Member
im not really concerned who has helped the most so long as you get the help needed . but 5.8 ph in soil is way to low , ok for hydro & soiless but the wrong ph can lock it all out n .p. k. mg. ca. ect .ect good luck & good harvesting

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Pink, I don't care about credit either. With that said..... pH of the run off is only the pH of the run off ! NOT the pH of the soil !
The second pic shows NO pH problems.
Your canopy is shading the lower growth from the lighting......So, yeah the canopy is to dense to allow enough light through to keep the lower parts happy.
If it matters to you. Simply lolly pop a bit more next time, OR, harvest the canopy and allow the lowers to mature...

Nice job by the way. Looking good!


Well-Known Member
thank you.
With now having a nice stash from my first grow I try to improve in efficiency this time, thats why its only 160Watts.

I read about Defoliation, would you do something like that?
Just in a way that the lower growth gets a bit more light.


Well-Known Member
..... pH of the run off is only the pH of the run off ! NOT the pH of the soil !
] how can that be dr ? it goes against every thing i know about soil , if the runoff comes oot the other end 5.8 and the water he's putting in is 6.9-7.0 surely the soil is too acidic .maybe you can teach me something here .


Well-Known Member
if there is written on the soil description "pH 5,7", my drain pH must have been there all along.
So if the soil is way too acidic, how is it possible that I had no issues so far - 6 Weeks Veg without adding fertilizer, just rain water and tap water, made 30 Cuttlings.. And now flower day 31, 2 times small amounts of organic fertilizer.

I are right, everywhere I look I see that pH should be 6,5 for soil...
Maybe there is a Gradient in the soil. High pH from the water on top...and to the bottom it gets lower...
I dont know.