Guess the wieght win a prize!


Active Member
Hi to everyone at rollitup, I have 5 A.F. plants in one 24 * 14 * 14 in. container plants are about 3 weeks away from being harvested and fully manicured. Guess the dry weight, whoever is closest wins an 8th. and if you can guess the strain ya win the same. Good luck to all, if ya have any questions post them as well(like the temperature of my ass during flowering). Anyhow let the games begin. Best growing wishes Wyleecoyote...Super Genius!



Well-Known Member
i hope you realise how idiotic this post truly IS.

your admitting to trafficking. good luck with that :)

Trafficking - Verb -

  1. Deal or trade in something illegal
    • - the government will vigorously pursue individuals who traffic in drugs



Active Member
I parachute it in naked with it pinched between my butt cheeks : ). We will see if theres anyway around that, where theres a will there must be a way.


Well-Known Member
the only way you could legally get away with it is if you had your medicard and the contest was ONLY to medicard users in your state......

and your on a Marijuana Cultivation site. unless you specify otherwise we free to assume its an 8'th of an OZ weed.