growing weak weed on purpose


unusual question i know but i'm wondering the best solution for this.

i'm wondering this because on some days i do have things to do, responsibilities to take care of. i'd like a little "get high break" for an hour or so then back to business. i don't want to be all head spinny or on the couch for 6 hours.

ideally i'm looking for a good strong sensation that hits you nice and then is gone in 30 mins/one hour.

Any ideas on how to do this?
Harvest time? Strain type? Vape temp?

i just cut some lower buds in week 3 of flower and smoked them (they would have gone in the trash anyways).
not very powerful but not bad all things considered. didn't last very long but it tasted great (vaped it). good things to come from that girl!

anyways, thanks.


Well-Known Member
weak as in how weak? some really old school genetics might be for you. original skunk is a little lower on thc. big bud is lower, but are you talking reg schawg strong or dro/krippy strong? how long the high last also depends on your body/tolerance. i only stay high for an hour or so, but smoke 5-10, maybe more, idk i smoke all the time. also if you smoke the same strain for a while, the effects are less noticeable. harveting also will depend on strength. harvesting early will give more clear headed high and also wont let the trics fully develop which will make it less potent. on the other hand if it goes too long it will be a couchlock high that will deminish in thc, but raise cbds, etc.


Well-Known Member
you can always just take a small piece of bud and smoke it. a very small dose will get you much less high


bud bootlegger
make brownies!!!! lmao no dont unless you wanne be high for 8hrs.
i'm telling you thats the god's honest truth right there.. i just made my first batch, my first attempt i ate two and a half and was high for like 12 hours or so.. and wicked high, not just smoke a blunt high, lol...


Well-Known Member
mmmm. i love harvest time with my mother plants, so much trim from one plant i can make two batches of 12. i love handing em out at work and then the boss wonder why everyone is so slow lol. makes me look like a pro at work cause im always high.


Well-Known Member
You could take a small amount and do all the things they tell you not to. Dry the bud too fast, expose it to light, harvest early ect.


Well-Known Member
Grow good plants and dry and cure correctly, then just simply use an appropriate amount for how high/stoned you want to get. No point in making crappy weed when you could simply use less.