Growing upside down?


Well-Known Member
any one ever tried growing herb upside down like they do with tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, zucchini and herbs. Think it will work?


New Member
do your a idiot and sounds like you dont even grow.... if you grow herb upside down the leafs will droop down and u probly wont ever...ever....ever! bud..


New Member
ganja, you need to smoke a j and quit blasting people like a dickhead for asking a question. maybe he never has grown a thing before. everyone starts out with zero information and learns as they grow.

as a matter of fact, it may be possible to grow and flower a plant upside down. if the light is benieth it, certain hormones will cause the plant to grow towards the light. however, you will also have to design a system to correct for gravitropism, the natural tendancy for a plant to right itself and grow upward, using gravity as its positioning agent. i believe the roots will grow down for this reason too, so how would you feed it?

omega grow wheels rotate a plant between upright and upside down specifially because it causes the hormones to disperse evenly since it never stay in one position for long.

it may be possible, but it would need to be a very sophisticated operation. if you figure it out, let us know.


Sector 5 Moderator
I tried it with hydro once and it didn't work too well; all my water kept running onto the floor. I then switched to soil with much the same results. There's got to be a way to do it. Maybe planting the seeds in some wet concrete first would work.


Active Member
any one ever tried growing herb upside down like they do with tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, zucchini and herbs. Think it will work? Redking sounds like he knows more than anybody else thats posted here so far, funny enough Your talking about the hanging planters right? I saw them at canadian tire about a year ago I picked 2 up cause there like $20 a piece they work excllent though, people should really learn to comment on what they know not what they think they know


New Member
I tried it with hydro once and it didn't work too well; all my water kept running onto the floor. I then switched to soil with much the same results. There's got to be a way to do it. Maybe planting the seeds in some wet concrete first would work.
i'm guessing this is supposed to be a joke? :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
wtf is up with attitude, research topsy turvy online, they can grow alsorts of plants upside down. here is the supposed benefits, the plant does not have to fight gravity, there is great air circulation so no mold, there is less animal and bug problems too.

And yes actually the plany is hanging upside down but the branches still reach up for the light. It makes the plant naturally bushy and I think it will have a kinda of naturally topping effect


Well-Known Member
i'm gonna order a few. i have to throw some cash in my bank account then i'll buy 2 of them and giver it a shot outside this year.


New Member
that's cool. i thought you were originally talking about an indoor growing experiment. but this is a very interesting idea.

fdd, post some pics, dude!


Sector 5 Moderator
Actually, plants draw nutes and water up their stalk by capillary action; I guess you could call it the worlds first solar pump. Yes Closet.Cult I was joking (as often as I can).


Well-Known Member
wouldn't the plants continually grow "up" towards the sun in an outdoor grow - seems like it would easier to get them to grow downwards towards artificial light - but this pure conjecture since i've never tried and know nothing about it.

and yet i still post.. hooray!