Growing tree's in a tree

Green Please

Active Member
you will know when it starts to rot. i have never had a branch get rot before but I
have defiantly broken it so badly i thought i was going to have to chop it, looked
at it one day and all the leaves off that branch were really droopy. it ended
up healing over the wound and is now stronger than ever . Marijuana plants are very resilient
from my experience. Don't stress about it, if it ends up with a problem because of
the wound then it should show in the leaves imo.


Well-Known Member
you will know when it starts to rot. i have never had a branch get rot before but I
have defiantly broken it so badly i thought i was going to have to chop it, looked
at it one day and all the leaves off that branch were really droopy. it ended
up healing over the wound and is now stronger than ever . Marijuana plants are very resilient
from my experience. Don't stress about it, if it ends up with a problem because of
the wound then it should show in the leaves imo.
It's looking better everyday, and in no way rotting, I just wasn't sure with all this rain if it would or not, but its getting a little thicker everyday, and the browning is going away. Thanks for the advice,it helps take the edge off haha but I'm starting to see just how resilient they are, and that I'll know if there's a major problem with them.


Well-Known Member
**Weekly update**(and 100th post) :clap:
Its the the end of the 4th week and 2nd week flowering today. It was raining and cloudy all day for 4 out of the 7 days, so they didn't get THAT MUCH growth, but still quite a bit. The hermie is healing up just fine, but those spots are still there on the lower leaves, can anyone tell me about them, or just a guess. As far as the female goes, the LST is working great so far, the lower clones are really starting to shoot out now.


subbed +rep, awesome grow man, kinda curious to know why it flowered so early even though it was in the shade it wasn't total darkness.


Well-Known Member
subbed +rep, awesome grow man, kinda curious to know why it flowered so early even though it was in the shade it wasn't total darkness.
Thanks, I'm pretty sure it's due to being an indica based strain in the tropics. After research I found they're used to mountainous regions with long photo-periods and I'm pretty close to the equator so that + the fact they're in almost constant shade half the day is the only thing I can come up with.


Well-Known Member
Taken yesterday because I feel like the weekly update didn't complement the main cola enough, and because I let it up some so the auxins go back to the main cola, but also so the lower branches still get light. Would have posted yesterday, but Cinco de Mayo sorta delayed that. :lol:
S7306267.jpgS7306268.jpg S7306271.jpg


Active Member
Thanks, no need I explained the only thing's it could have been really.^^^^ I'm pretty sure its not auto-flower, although it could be, but don't know if that would matter anyways.
so in other werds u have no idea wat ur talking bout... it must be an auto becuase theres to much sunlight right now for it to flower, it shud be budding much later on in the year not now


Well-Known Member
so in other werds u have no idea wat ur talking bout... it must be an auto becuase theres to much sunlight right now for it to flower, it shud be budding much later on in the year not now
No did you even read what I put?? Instead of just ASSUMING it was an auto (though ruled as a possibility), I did actual research on what it could be, and found a documentary about farmers in Jamaica who grow almost all indica because Jamaica's climate is so different from mountain climates that they start flowering immediately, and I don't think it's very likely for the variety of strains he had to ALL be auto. So it could be an auto just as well as it could be a non-auto.


Well-Known Member
i dont believe it to be a auto, with outdoors it all depends on where you live i know a buddy who gets 3 harvest a year because of his wierd hours


Well-Known Member
look good, i told a buddy about this thead and he went and put one of his plants in a tree hahaha


Well-Known Member
Although sativas(developed in the tropics), do well in temperate zones, indicas(developed in temperate climates), don't do well in the tropics. It involves the photoperiods/day length. Indicas get confused due to the different day length patterns in the tropics. There are exceptions, but it looks like your current plants aren't among them. In the future, look to quality sativas for best results.