growing side ways

My seedlings are about 10 days old, at first it was it was growing straight up, now it seems to be going off to the side for some reason? I have 2 other seedlings that are same age and they are straight up still they are how ever quite a bit smaller then this particular one. Is it ok that it’s decided to lean over? Am I giving it too much light? I’m using a 400watt MH bulb for VEG usually I don’t have any problems but I o ow intense light can be bad at first. Does it seem small for 10 days?


Logan Burke

Well-Known Member
Should be just fine, I always get a couple seedlings out of my batch of 4 plants that decides that it's just to cool to grow straight up like it's sisters lol. I would follow Herb & Suds advice though. Sometimes, when you don't have enough light, the stems will become weak-ish and they will grow side-ways like that because they're not recieving the light it needs to have the energy to support it's own weight. How much light are they recieving? I doubt they're getting too much, wouldn't worry much about that unless you're blasting them with a 1000 watt HPS or something :)
Yeah I do the same and tried doing that for the one that was growing side ways but it almost seemed like it was trying to get away from the light. It has sense started growing back toward the light tho so all is good for now.