growing seeds on purpose?

Alright so here is my question, I couldn't find an answer so I am asking the pros here. I want some seeds because I dont think I can keep a perpetual harvest going. I dont want to pollinate my flowering cabinet, so how do I go about doing this? Anyone know how to make sure the pollen doesn't float from one room to the other? Please respond if you have experience with this. Thanks RIU

*and I don't want feminized seeds, i want to breed my best plants


Well-Known Member
You should really just learn to clone and sex your plants... No seeds or males ever again.




Active Member
I believe you can collect the pollen from the male and manually transfer to a female to get seeds but if you've got a female, do what Dub says and learn to clone. Less hassle and guarenteed females.

Roll the blizzie


You can most definitely harvest pollen from your males, and use a paintbrush or q-tip to select only the buds you wish seeds to grow from and pollinate them manually.

You will want to get those guys in a separate room once they go into heavy flower and wash your hands change your shirt before going near the females again. Also, water kills pollen. Once you've pollinated your chosen girls in a seperate room..make sure you spray them down all over..pots included, before returning them to the flower area.

Cloning helps in this respect as well. for those doing small can have a little bud...and a few seeds each harvest. When you can't grow for a while and don't keep clones, you've got your f2's or special crosses to get you going again later.

hope this helps some...there's some great info on seed production round these parts =)