Growing Outdoors in Michigan


Active Member
So to start off, I'm new to to growing, as well as this site.

I have spent several weeks researching growing because it is just one of those things that really interests me. I checked out all the cool hydro methods and stuff, but I'm relatively young and dont have a place of my own so I decided the only realistic way for me to grow would be outdoors. I was thinking of going out tomorrow and searching through the forest to find a site where i could possibly put some plants. I want to check it out now as opposed to in the spring because I want to be sure that not too much leaf cover from trees will block the light in whatever spot I choose. I just have a few questions to start off; Im really only worried about some basic things right now I just want to see if it would work out.

Michigan has shitty weather. I live in the southern part of the state so it isn't that awful. Does anyone have any experience growing outdoors in the midwest or know if it would even work well weather wise?

Second, would it be realistic for me to put some sprouts in the ground in the beginning of may and expect for them to be done by the end of September? Assuming I had a good outdoor strain. I wouldn't want to put them outdoors in April or really leave them out into October because the weather can get pretty bad.



Active Member
Yo I did an outdoor grow this year. First off, you need to find a spot that is safe. One you can access once a week without raising suspicion. Not only that but one that gets enough sun and is hidden at the same time. So if I was you I would go to and study some arial photos. Birdseye view is great, I use it for hunting/scouting. Another thing you need to look out for is pests. Deer, rabbits, what ever can clear out your crop. Organicide will keep the bugs away (works great). So a tip I will give you, is look for a wetland area, one that you need knee high boots to access. On the outskirts of a lake or pond. It will keep your plants out of harms way for the most part. You can also put up fencing without it being noticable.

Planting is always a gamble in Michigan... I'd wait till may to plant. Most plants will finish mid-october. Unless you buy some early flowering or auto flowering strains thats what your looking at and should be fine in southern MI.

Hope this helps, feel free to pm me... I am in the same boat as you


Active Member
Do yourself a favor and find a strain that finishes early and is mold resistant. You will have a lot better chances. We usually have a hard frost in May so I'd wait untill the end of May or early June to start them. I find that growing it is the easy part, keeping animals from eating/destroying them and keeping it secret is the real pain. Good luck dude.


Active Member
Thank alot. Yeah I figured deer would be a big problem, I know they can smell that shit from far away and they will go through great lengths to eat it. Im gonna check the forested area on my parents property as well as some potential locations for guerrilla grows. I also have thought about possibly getting some strains that come from a mountainous region and will be able to withstand a bit of cold once it comes.