Growing my first ams, the church indoor plants


Active Member
I'm thinking of starting to flower it with a 12-12 hour schedule.. I'm more interested in the process of the plant and how you can manipulate it, I'm looking for little bud for this grow... does anyone have any suggestions about starting to flower at this point?


Active Member
i haven't updated lately so later night i;m going to post some pics... went out of city this weekend, someone tripped over the timer... had the lights on for 48 hours+... damn, now i hope i gets better. about 6 leaves dried up. cut them off.. see how it goes.. here's a pic of my 2 fav things though jajaj



Active Member
yo dude
sorry it's been a while had a few problems with my service provider. hows the grow going man?


Active Member
its going well. Its probably in week 3 of flowering, and you can start to see the accumulation of the hairs :D. its on the schedule 11 hours on, 13off. i;ll put some pics up, the problem is the hps light wont let me take quality pictures. but will try to get some good ones tomorrow so i can post. thanks for the interest! :D


Active Member
:hump:Now its very hairy, a lor of crystal, very stinky, and a lot of bud is now showing :D
couldn't be happier, now.
the branches got thicker and a lot of bud is growing, i would like to make one lightbulb more effective, any suggestions? well
ill get some pics a soon as i get a camara. cheers


Active Member
so here some pics of today... finally. ja. by the way, it was with the lights off when i took these photos. well it kinda needed some more light at the bottom... and the buds werent that big... but i'm leaving it 2 more days with the light 12/12. any suggestions? any comments about how it looks? any tips? anything would be nice! thanx!

