Growing my first ams, the church indoor plants


Active Member
hey, so i guess im new to this site, had a lot of help starting up my closet from this site so decided to share some pics of my ams seedling and the church is not far from sprouting. it's my first indoor grow and first time using good quality seeds, see how it goes. the plants are on a 24 hr "on" 65W fluorescent light schedule and after 20 days after sprouting i will change the light to a 150HPS light and change the schedule to 18hours "on" HPS.
any tips, help would be great! tell me what you think!:bigjoint:



Active Member
from seed to now its been 15 days, started to sprout after 5th day.
i've mixed worm humus with miracle gro soil mix. I transplanted the rock wool to soil yesterday, hope it doesnt slow im guessing its have a great start


Active Member
update: day 16

the seed in rock wool is the the church, and i waiting for it to sprout hopefully tomorrow in thr morning.


Well-Known Member
Nahh the lime green is ok, as long as it dosent turn yellow,
once you get that hps on there it should shoot right up, but i would
recommend a Metal Halide light for veg but Hps should do the job.
But when you get the hps on there start right up with your neuts, but DONT USE MIRACLE GROW!:mrgreen:


Active Member
today is day 20 ams after sprout
and day 14 the church
i havent changed the light
i have to adjust the hps bulb ballast wires connection make sure the bulb won't explode or have a short circuit. so im going to wait till tomorrow, but heres today in the afternoon.:shock:



Active Member
hey, so I was checking out my light's power and it's rising my grow rooms temperature. I have a small extractor and two small fans on right now seeing if I can lower the Temp. but for now its staying at 88.3 F, it's like 31 C. Is it and "okay" temp or too high? If too high is there any way for me to lower? any suggestions would be great!




Active Member
I think i'm having a little problem with the church...
its on a 18hour on, 6hour off light schedule schedule with the ams as well.. but it seems its hard for it to resist high temperatures..
the ams is a little bigger and has no problem adjusting.. I cut of the dry tips of the church small plant. any suggestions?
church is the small plant.



Active Member
Some of my young plants can stand the 88f temps but when they get a little bigger they will start to show signes of dislike. I try to keep the temps around 83 or so max with fans blowing on them.


Active Member
Yo! Teleglass

just wanted to see how you were getting on, im specifically intrested in your church grow, how is it doin?


Active Member
sure man, i''l get a pic up at in a few hours after classes... I'm having a little problem with the the church dude. it just starts to dry up and wither. with the 250 hps watt lighting, the room temp just raises up incredibly to 86F, i turn on the ac sometimes to lower it to 80F its because where I live for the moment is scorching hot all the time. haha. right now i decided to leave it outside, when the lights are on, i think thats helping a little, i have cut off all the dead leaves. well i'll post the pic tonight, also the one of the AMS, which is doing very good, the temp doesnt seem to bother her... not that much. well tell me you opinion! thanks man!bongsmilie


Active Member
hey dude sorry it took a while to reply, cheers for posting the pics.

The AMS is looking great! I haven't found much literature on church plants and i've only got the one plant it's my first time grow, so whether it is a common trait i dunno, but i find that the bottom leaves tend to flop down and one or two leaves go brown, yet my baby's kept cool and well watered.
I did have a small grow box set up but then my landlord decided to sell up and i'm still getting sorted so a mates looking after it but it's just in the window of his room, i'm grateful, but bummer cus whole buisness kinda screwed up it's lighting patterns tho
:(, takes a lot longer too but be worth it.

i'll be taking some pics next day or two, see what you think


Active Member
hey man hope you can set up your box again, because when it's on a window it rarely get enough light, if it's small put it else where outside, in a really discrete place. any ways, yeah i don't know whats happening with the church man, right now I've put it outside a few hours so it doesn't burn and breathes... ha ha, i think it's kinda working... the burnt leaves seemed to stop burning more ha ha, and I can obviously tell its growing, I'll post pics a few days of the church to see the progress, I will post more on the AMS, just because you can really see it grow. and i believe these are small, 60cm(min)-80cm(max) indoor, size plants.

yeah post some pics up man, really like to see how your gals doing.
take care of her if she's your one and only :eyesmoke:


Active Member
here's some pics for the update, its getting high(the ams). i was just asking myself when to start leaving the light on 16hrs and 8 hours off. or just turn it to a 12 hr on, 12 hrs off, i'll wait after 60 days of veging i guess, any recommendations? jaja

