Growing In The Loft In The UK


Active Member
hmm i think ur gonna run into problems its getting fucking cold here in the uk im from the midlands aswell i think ur gonna have problems with it being to cold when light are off just my opinion gd luck m8


I also want to build my grow room in my attic. I have enough room and space to actually build a room in the attic. So if i insulate the walls, ceiling and floor appropriately without it touching the roof framing will i be ok as far as a heat signature? I will be exhausting grow room air into basement/crawlspace. To control cooling and heating i will be using my house's HVAC system. Am I on the right track?


Active Member
well i havnt done jack shit this weekend just chillin? CKCKCK you are right about being cold here, last night was -2 and its gunna get colder.
at the end of the day all i want to do is keep the loft around 65 degreese lights off just ordered 2 of them 2ft tube heaters, problem is there is no thermostat on them,(didnt realise that when i ordered them) but i could use them in another room to keep it warm at night.
then i will get a 400w oil fillied radiator (thats what i should have done from the start) i will take some pics later 2day and post them so i will continue useing this thread as a journal from start to finish.
but i wont start any work untill all my items have arrived? should be in the next day or so.


Interesting thread,as a uk grower myself i've noticed the day and night time temps dropping really cold and as i'm growing in the garage i decided to get some heating in the growroom so i bought myself a 2ft 180w tube heater for £15 and a thermostat to go with it at £19,not sure if i'm allowed to post links on here but if anyone wants a cheap deal pm me i'll send you the link:bigjoint:


Active Member
Interesting thread,as a uk grower myself i've noticed the day and night time temps dropping really cold and as i'm growing in the garage i decided to get some heating in the growroom so i bought myself a 2ft 180w tube heater for £15 and a thermostat to go with it at £19,not sure if i'm allowed to post links on here but if anyone wants a cheap deal pm me i'll send you the link:bigjoint:
all info is welcome on this thread, was the thermostat easy to install?? but surly for the combined price you payed you could have got a oil filled rad for less around the £25 mark (i think)? on a second note does the tube heater do its job efficiently


Easy rollingrock yeah the thermostat is a plug in one,you set the desired temp and away you go,already had a 450w oilfilled rad last year but it used to much leccy so i opted for the tube heaters again there great n not as bulky,the tube heater does its job great for my space and keeps res temps stable too.
This is the tube heater i bought.
And this is the thermostat.


Active Member
thanks for the post, didnt know you could get plug in ones untill now? i have only stayed away from them because the ones i saw meant they had to be hard wired into the appliance.
nice one m8.


Active Member
morning GHB
thanks for that, i will have a think about weather to start a new thread for the journal.
will keep you all posted


i have a 450w electric radiator in my grow tent (2.4x1.2x1.2m) it is on a timer so when the lights go out the heater kicks in. it works a treat, if you were to add extra insulation on the grow cab i think it would be too hot lights on and too cold lights off.
tent is only got a base of 1200 square,theres not enough room for a radiator,got i wish there was if he was to make room it would mean sacraficing a couple to make room ,which am sure would be to hard to take,,sounds similar,but it is not completely zipped up(joists)i think am gonna have to go with the insulatoin and try and box it up best i can and hope for the best,bring on the spring.


Well-Known Member
tent is only got a base of 1200 square,theres not enough room for a radiator,got i wish there was if he was to make room it would mean sacraficing a couple to make room ,which am sure would be to hard to take,,sounds similar,but it is not completely zipped up(joists)i think am gonna have to go with the insulatoin and try and box it up best i can and hope for the best,bring on the spring.
you could put the radiator outside of the tent.
like i said earlier insulation will do very little to help this situation. as long as the temps stay above freezing you will be ok anyway.


Active Member
tent is only got a base of 1200 square,theres not enough room for a radiator,got i wish there was if he was to make room it would mean sacraficing a couple to make room ,which am sure would be to hard to take,,sounds similar,but it is not completely zipped up(joists)i think am gonna have to go with the insulatoin and try and box it up best i can and hope for the best,bring on the spring.
hey ginga
what about the 1ft tube heaters ther only like 60watts or something surly there is space for that?


mmm,not really,the tents packed out to the neck,going to go with a small 450w oil filled radiator,i have managed to find one small enough to sneak in with a thermostat,cheers ghb,god shout,the tube heaters will be a bit dodgy nothing to fix them to ,thanks for the advice though,winter growing n the uk sucks cock..... fingers crossed!
perlite is the way forward!


Active Member
well i managed to insulate the loft.
heres what i did,
insulated the truses with 170mm thick insulation (b&q less than £4 a roll) think it was a top up sort of insulation really cheap, then boarded on top of that with plasterboard, then rolled out the insulation and split it (made it thinner) and used 10mm staples to fasten that to platerboard.
i noted the temp up there before i went to work this morning and it was 72degrese in the loft space and 78degrese in the tents, thats without any heating on. also i put a layer on top of the tents as well, hopefully to stop heat loss at the top of tent.
if i can keep it at 65degrese outside tent and dont have to much frost melt from the roof then i did what i set out to do.
total cost for all insulation less than £40.


Active Member
to stop police thermal cameras from pickin up heatspots line the inside of your roof with lead
never heard of useing lead before??? that would cost a furtune and would weigh a ton on the roof.
i dont think 2x 250w cfl's and one 250w hps light would give off enough heat for them to detect??? but tips is what i am after
thought tinfoil was a good reflecter of uv heat


Well-Known Member
never heard of useing lead before??? that would cost a furtune and would weigh a ton on the roof.
i dont think 2x 250w cfl's and one 250w hps light would give off enough heat for them to detect??? but tips is what i am after
thought tinfoil was a good reflecter of uv heat
i think you will be fine with what you have done, i think the only instance in which you might have problems is if we have a winter like last years. i definately wouldn't do the lead idea, it costs £40+ per square metre so imagine the costs for lining a whole roof with lead.
oil filed radiators on timers is all you need, the lights wont give off too much heat for the chppers to spot.