growing in an apartment..

Claude Bawls

Active Member
Does no one care that your preforming a illegal activity on someone else's property. If you busted his property can be tied up for a great deal of time. Costing this landlord a lot of money. If I where your landlord and I found you growing on my property, You'd be lucky if all I did was put your shit on the side of the road. Illegal, HELL YEAH, there would be nothing you could do about it. Fuckin' with someones living there.
This is some else's property.
Uhhh I don't believe a landlord has any culpability if someone is growing in the home they own and are renting out. I mean think about that if a warehouse grow gets busted do they go after the bank that holds the paper?

To the OP:

Change the locks and add video. Stealth your grow as much as possible. I had a home inspector sitting 10" away from my tent...he never knew the difference. It was hidden in plain sight in my living room.
My lease states that the leasing agents must advise at least 72 hours in advance before entering the building unless there is a fire or leak/flood occurring. .02

Total Head

Well-Known Member
Does no one care that your preforming a illegal activity on someone else's property. If you busted his property can be tied up for a great deal of time. Costing this landlord a lot of money. If I where your landlord and I found you growing on my property, You'd be lucky if all I did was put your shit on the side of the road. Illegal, HELL YEAH, there would be nothing you could do about it. Fuckin' with someones living there.
This is some else's property.
i don't know what state you're from, but around here when drug houses get raided they have new tenants on the first of the next month without missing a beat.

also, i know some states tend to favor landlords in court, but my state just LOVES the tenant. if you were to ever to put someone's shit on the sidewalk without going through the rape of housing court you'd end up getting sued yourself.

not that i'm saying it's totally cool to grow at someone else's property, but if you just plain ol' get busted their only headache is getting the place ready for the next tenant.


Well-Known Member
Some states are different. And in most places people don't want to live where it was a grow house. And in some states you must reveal it. Never said it would be legal to put someone out. But am saying you would do anything about with the grow room evidence you left. Of course that really wouldn't be a problem because you would be going to jail because they would call the police. Me I would handle stupid shit like that myself.


Well-Known Member
My Landlord as a little weakness, he's totally traumatize by dog ( he's a retired postman ) & I happen to have a lease agreement that date from the ex-landlord witch permit me to have an animal in the apartment as long he doesn't disturb the neighbor. When the landlord need to come by he always call in advance for me to lock my dog in the small room ( my grow room ), There's a picture of a pit bull i took on the net on my grow room door behind which my dog bark and scratch the door to get out cause he doesn't like to be locked in there. The landlord get all white and shaking every time I'm certain he will never open that door even if i would invite him. By the way my dog is a small golder retriever that as never bitten anything except for his favorite toy a plastic duck.


Active Member
My Landlord as a little weakness, he's totally traumatize by dog ( he's a retired postman ) & I happen to have a lease agreement that date from the ex-landlord witch permit me to have an animal in the apartment as long he doesn't disturb the neighbor. When the landlord need to come by he always call in advance for me to lock my dog in the small room ( my grow room ), There's a picture of a pit bull i took on the net on my grow room door behind which my dog bark and scratch the door to get out cause he doesn't like to be locked in there. The landlord get all white and shaking every time I'm certain he will never open that door even if i would invite him. By the way my dog is a small golder retriever that as never bitten anything except for his favorite toy a plastic duck.
I am your landlord. I can tell by your dog. I am giving you 24 hour notice to enter the property.