Growing in a tree


Well-Known Member
I have a friend who said he used to drill holes to the middle of a pine tree and put seeds in them and they would grow from the nutrients that the tree was getting. I was wondering if this is possible and what is the best technique?

I just thought that would be pretty cool because you wouldnt have to water it and it would be stealthier


Well-Known Member
It actually sound like it would work as long as its getting good sunlight. The only pro lem i think it would have is pushing the roots through the wood and being able to pull enough water out


Well-Known Member
i never heard of it

a few days ago some people and i were talking about grafting, very interesting stuff. we did it in hortaculture class years ago and i had the idea but havent tried it yet

im growing in a tree this year too. im going out tomorrow(weather pending) and building some platforms and ill need to get some 5g buckets and other suplies


Well-Known Member
he also said he didnt even germinate his seeds. I figured since they were pine trees the sap leaked all of the seeds and it got its nutrients from that. But I dunno, im gonna see how it works


Well-Known Member
he also said he didnt even germinate his seeds. I figured since they were pine trees the sap leaked all of the seeds and it got its nutrients from that. But I dunno, im gonna see how it works
I think i may just have to try this out as well, just waiting for it to get a little warmer though. I am very interested to see how this will work out.


Active Member
Smells like some bullshit to me. i really doubt this because wood is far too thick for the plants roots to penetrate. IDK maybe im wrong tell your friend to get pics or something.


Active Member
Imagine having two giant skunk plants growing in a tall tree. No one would know where the smell is coming from and then you can just climb up there after they're ready and harvest them. You wouldn't even have to pay attention to them.