Growing for 9 months???

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
So me and an old friend were catching up and talkin and hes the type I could tell that im growing so i did. He told me his godfather was growing outside at his house, and he said that it takes him 9 months for his plant to finish or that his godfather grows his plants for 9 months or for even a year??wuts that about? when i told him mine take 4-5ish months, he tried to make me sound like i didnt know what i was talkin do ppl do this commonly?

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
thats the thing, i dont believe him, he said that his plants were big and not even flowering at 7 kno you can re-veg and shit but iono wut hes talkin about lol its my understanding that outdoors, any strain takes 4-6 months topsss


Well-Known Member
depends where you are.
if your on the equator in a desert its easy to believe it would grow for 9 months. (with a shitload of watering)
and some people start clones in winter indoors then move them outdoors already growing when spring comes.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
Naw him and me are both in so cal....and he seems to be sure thats how long his godfather grows em this like putting the plants through the complete growing cycle twice? can you do that?


Well-Known Member
It is possible,but i call bullshit. I used to live in Cali and i grew out doors and NO WAY did it take me nine months.


Well-Known Member
That doesn't sound too far off to me. I start mine indoors in march and they finish the middle of october, thats about 7 and a half months.


Well-Known Member
That doesn't sound too far off to me. I start mine indoors in march and they finish the middle of october, thats about 7 and a half months.
Hmm, good curing and drying takes awhile.. maybe he meant from start to finish: seedling, veg, flower, dry, and cure?

Wouldn't that take about 9 months?

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
naw, that foo didnt know what he was talkin about, another case of a person who doesnt grow themselves and tried to act like they kno better than someone who DOES grow lol he said "yeah your shit prolly had buds but not a lot and lil ones cuz u didnt let it go for like 9-10 months" that sounds like someone who does not understand marijuana growth in general...if i would let my plants go that long, they would...ummm die ...yeah...or simply sit in the soil and degrade in quality...while not getting any more growth


Well-Known Member
maybe the guy like to grow 20 ft monsters or something, if you were to grow outside in cali i imagine that you could grow 9 months out of the year, genetics play a big role in what the plant wants to do, but lighting cycle and the nutrients play a role in what stage the plant is in figure if you arent giving your plant any potassium it shouldn't bloom if it does those will be some shit buds, if the guy fed it nitrogen and had more than 12 hours of light for 6 1/2 to 7 months he could have one hell of a huge plant and then put the plant into bloom by giving it potassium and letting it go for 2 to 2 1/2 months


Well-Known Member
He was probably growing bagseed from a very sativa dominant strain that had a long life cycle but would grow to be a real monster plant, most of the seeds we get today are hybrids and have been breeded to have shorter flowering times and I think we just tend to be a little bit more picky with seed selection so that we don't have to grow huge plants to get a good yield, I wouldn't call bullshit on your friend.


Well-Known Member
did it this year. started indoors in Feb. Moved them out near the end of March and took down the last one near the end of Oct. Papaya is the strain, they topped 13 feet tall. They just kept growing and growing I didn't do anything special and it will knock you on your ass.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
yeah i alllll depends lol i just wanted to find out if it can happen...and yeah it can....but he said his shit vegged outdoors for 7 months and that is BULLSHIT lol but yeah he prolly was tellin the truth about the length of the entire growth cycle...he just didnt know his facts. cuz he tried to make it seem like his godfather or wutever was doing it the right way...and that mine...not taking as long...was the wrong way to do it. not the case