growing fine

see i have a GOD DAMN QUESTION!!!!
wtf is everyones problem? i just grew 7 plants, with regular water a lamp, and a window!!!! everyone makes such a big deal about growing with amazing lights, and purified water, and amazing soil!!! i used a desk lamp, sink water, and sand (dirt?). and i just grew the dankest shit ive ever grown!!!!! FUCK U ALL who say you need special stuff? ur all retarded im gonna spread this around:joint:



Well-Known Member
Noone has ever said you can't grow with soil, water and sunlight but there are much better ways of going about it. Certainly anywhere you grow illegally it isn't suggested to display your plants in plain view of everyone. If you do then sunlight is probably some of the best you can give plants. You just can't recreate what they evolved to use with lightbulbs. However you put yourself at risk. I prefer my locked grow cab in my locked room with my HPS over my girls. Somehow your claims lack any real worth without pictoral evidence. What do you consider "dank"? Probably crap compared to the shit I could show you. and how long did this take. Did you just veg for like two months to get some badass foot tall plants that fit in your window without anyone noticing? I would be embarassed for you if you showed me some shit like that. Enjoy your bagseed window grows and I'll stick with colas as long and fat as my arm.
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Well-Known Member
Noone has ever said you can't grow with soil, water and sunlight but there are much better ways of going about it. Certainly anywhere you grow illegally it isn't suggested to display your plants in plain view of everyone. If you do then sunlight is probably some of the best you can give plants. You just can't recreate what they evolved to use with lightbulbs. However you put yourself at risk. I prefer my locked grow cab in my locked room with my HPS over my girls. Somehow your claims lack any real worth without pictoral evidence. What do you consider "dank"? Probably crap compared to the shit I could show you. and how long did this take. Did you just veg for like two months to get some badass foot tall plants that fit in your window without anyone noticing? I would be embarassed for you if you showed me some shit like that. Enjoy your bagseed window grows and I'll stick with colas as long and fat as my arm.
Couldn't agree with you more Hydro!!:peace:


Well-Known Member
i used a desk lamp, sink water, and sand (dirt?). and i just grew the dankest shit ive ever grown!!!!! FUCK U ALL who say you need special stuff? ur all retarded im gonna spread this around:joint:


WOW! That is impressive if we didn't all know that you usually grow and smoke oregano. "Dank" to you would be the popcorn buds and the fan leaves I throw away at the bottom of my 6 foot plants grown under a beautiful 1000 watt HPS's, .


New Member
i look at it like this yea you can grow little plants in you window! but why be that lazy about it when i first started growing indoors i took $20.00 to wal-mart and got a 4ft fixture and 2 sun tubes and a timer! and that did fine and my smoke was good! but over time i started putting more fixtures more tubes and still had good bud! but now i use cfls for veg. and hps for flowering the point is the more light the more your plants can absorb good light it betters the plants ability to take in nutes. it grows stronger bigger potent buds so if we want to grow nice ass potent herb dont give us shit about it were just letting people like you know the best way to grow! not the half ass ok lets grow a plant and get high grow! some take a hit and get knock the fuck back herb! ( ya know) so chill out and stop hateing on us for wanting the best for our plants and our own personal high! if you choose to grow that way then more power to you but dont tell people were crazy for telling them to get hps and shit were just letting them know the most effective way to grow not the least effective!
i have a grow room and everything man, but i did this just to prove you don't need one. or anything special. i have an amazing hydroponics system set up and everything. this was my 17th grow (the window one lol).


New Member
well all you really need is some good ferterlizer and the sun out side for good plants! but why would you start that tread saying you dont need all that shit when your growing the hydro way that makes you a hypricate! come on know everyone knows that you can use soil water and sunlight to grow so why rant about it! but its all good! i aint mad achya


Well-Known Member
i have a grow room and everything man, but i did this just to prove you don't need one. or anything special. i have an amazing hydroponics system set up and everything. this was my 17th grow (the window one lol).
um... his "amazing hydroponics system" produced these stretchy little bitches during his "seventeenth" (read: first) grow.

hey, ok right now im in the beginning of my second week of growing sour diesel(supposedly) and up till 2 days ago they were growing non-stop and beautifully, then i listened to my brother and transplanted the bigger ones into a 3 gallon container. i am concerned because i have not noticed any growth? they look perfectly healthy, it just seems as if they have stunted growth? i think it could possibly be because of the limited ventilation in my closet? i am watering it perfectly, and i cannot think of any reason why they would not be growing? and another thing, its not just the bigger plants that have stopped growing it is all 6 of them? i don't know whats wrong. please help me. if they grow properly i could get some extra money and help my mom out. and btw this is my second time growing, but the first time i grew blueberry kush, which my dad said is a different process to grow overall. id appreciate it if someone could give me advice ")
don't get on here and say that you grow dank weed. don't knock people who know way more about growing than you do. when you actually have seventeen grows under your belt, you can say whatever you want. but for now, keep quiet and learn some stuff. :peace:
