growindoobs 2x4 ebb and flow journal


Well-Known Member
hey guys been doin this for a while now but im no expert. i wanted to start this for all you guys with a few dollers and no space or for all you guys who want something simelar or for everyone like myself,just to see what can done.

ive decided to share this one cause the clones started off soooooooo bad i dont know if it will even recover or be a failed attempt.

first off lets take a BIG bong toke then look at some specs and price.......

i had very little space to work with living in a building so i decided on this

2 foot deep by 4 feet wide just enough room to fit a 2x4 ebb and flow table
also i went 6 foot 8 inches high so not a ton of vertical room once assembled.

i used a 2x4 frame with plywood with poly stapled to it to assemble the bos and walls. i cut the door one and a half feet from the floor to accomidate two smaller doors for the bottom to allow the res to be pulled in and out during the dark cycle.

the 2x4 foot hydro table, same thing. just used wood, 2x4 inch boards cut for support and legs with a 2x4 foot sheet plywood screwed on top with screws.then drilled holes on each end to accomidate the drain and pump. each hole about 3 inches to allow pipe clamps. could also use jig saw.

600w super hps in a cool tube with a cool reflector. i used foam inbetween the wood and the fans to lower viberation noize. on each side of the box is a fan, one to push air into the tube and one to pull it (fans and tube are connected using thermal ducting) and vent from the room.Each fan draws or vents SEPERATE from the room to keeps temps low.

can carbon filter 33 attatched to crossbeams, (1 for the light and another on top for the filter and fan. filters are fuckin heavy) elicent inline attatched to that, then venting out the back of the box.

once the room, light and filter/fan were assembled we just set the table in the room and put the ebb and flow table on top and hooked up all hoses to the res and pump. 8.8 gal res is perfect.

the equipment was approx 1000 clams
the box and acceseries were just about that too but had to rent a vechile to move it and sneak it in at 3am. lol

got some clones and they were almost 4 weeks but still had to roots coming out the bottom but i said fuck it as i am very busy and planted them anyways.

as you can see there are two skinny bulbs at the back. those are 4 foot long blue t5 flouros. theres two more on the door too. im using them right now instead of the 600w till they root well.

as you can see there not dead just not lookin very good. i planted them 5 days ago.

anyone please feel free to post. i love to hear everything, even critisism. so please feel free.



Well-Known Member
yeah its july 21st and ones dead. I got 7 alleycat and six couchlock left a few have rooted as of last night so im just gonna keep an eye on em. feeding 270ppm advanced micro & grow and teknaflora root 66. only have a single blue t5 on right now till more root.


Well-Known Member
well i checked them this morning and anothers dead. fuck....... oh well. good news is 10 have started to root but there is still 2 that have nothing. i now have 2 big holes in my table where the 2 dead ones used to be.

Im gonna keep only one t5 fluroescent 4 foot long, blue. I think im gonna turn on another tomorrow, and see how well they root. too scared to turn on the 600 yet. There is like 1/4 inch root out of the oasis cubes on the slow ones. id like to speed up the root groth. any ideas?


Well-Known Member
well its the 28th and i have 9 nice clones going.

ive been feeding 300 ppm 100 micro 100 grow 100 bloom advanced nutrients 3 part. 5 are pretty much dead. i think its time to turn on the 600w hps. i know from 7of them i can get 3/4 oz a piece ,mabye an ounce but its gonna be tricky. Ive been running 4x 4foot blue t5s(about 5000 initial lumanens each). time to get this show on the road. ill post a pic tomorrow with the 600 on. feel free to question and comment.


Well-Known Member
oh yeah the dead ones were right in the middle of the table too. now theres a big gap in the middle of the table. 5 spots. any suggestions what to do about that? bending mabye?


Active Member
Sounds like a great setup, I admire all of you indoor growers and work it takes. I don't know if I could handle doing everything indoors........good luck with your grow and keep us posted.


Well-Known Member
hey got updates and pics.

the tall one in the back left is alleycat as with the more symetrical ones on the right. the bushy ones are afghan x northern lights and they have no real defined top. ive moved up to 450 ppm @ 5.6ph of advances bloom micro and grow. im also using dutch master folitech and max fx folier sprays. they seem to love it and are just taking off.

I have the 600hps on 18 right now and the heat holy shit.. thats the downside to indoor. im running 34 degrees right now but its not as big a deal as some would say. my heat is always an issue and ive never had any real problems.

well i cant find a small circulation fan for inside my room. Im also thinking of putting a homemade co2 bottle on the table were 2 of my clones died. Anyone use co2? suggestions? (on co2 or anything else). Lol look at the rest......... The small ones are growing but have like 1 inch leaves. i kinda hope they stay smaller. im using phosphoload for my vertical height problem and i wanna see how the smaller ones are gonna flower.

p.s. If thet look wet, they are. I just sprayed them.



Well-Known Member
and shiman51......... It takes work. lots of it. i had to find a place to build cause i live in a building then get it all in and design and tics have to be worked out then the risk.
But if u love to do it...............

i had 24 hours and no plans to get this done..........really.

i did it in my work on the weekend while nobody was there and had to rent a truck sameday.

had to take it all apart in the back of a van cause it was heavy and wouldnt fit through the door frame and elevater door lol. them re assemble it in the apartment.


Well-Known Member

its been a few and boy has shit changed. mostly all of them have come up. i raised my ppm to 650-780 last week and have been using dutch master (folier) penitrater with folitech and max fx and they are fuckin awesome. i couldnt believe my eyes. were talking 3 inches overnight and the most branching i think ive ever seen.

since last tuesday i started flowering and trimmed them all down to just 3 or 4 main buds per plant. there almost 2 feet now of not already

my ppm is at 830 right now and im using dm foli and max fx for flowering with my advanced and they are doing great.

i had to change the 2 x 4inch muffin fans for the cool tube to a elicent 152 cfm inine fan (the noice made me very nervous) and put in a homemade co2 jug. also a fan below the table for more circulation. just desktop but my temps are great. 36 at night 31 with the light on.

anyways like i said ill post pics in a few hours.



Well-Known Member
hey my camera died so these are a little late to upload but here they are.

i just trimmed 3/4 off each plant leaving just the main stock and another bud or two. these were taken 4 days or so ago.

ive got a magnesium problem as usual and have supplemented with magical from technaflora. it contains magnesium, iron, and calcium. I dont want to spray with magnesium cause im already spraying with dutchmaster folitech and max fx.

ive also raised my ppm to 850. no leaf burn or signs of anything.

i wonder how high it could go. just starting second week of flowering now. and i have a problen that i get almost every crop and dont have a clue what it is or how to get rid of it. if you look at the leaves they all curl under. it doesn't seem to make any difference to the plants as i get it all the time but does anyone know what it is and how to prevent it?

well thats all for now, hope you enjoy the pics.



Well-Known Member
just took these. youll see in the first few how close the light is. mabye 6 inches. in the last one youll see thats as high as my light can go and i got 6 1/2 weeks to go. in the one of the fans, you'll see i had to put a vertical blowing inline fan in. i got so worried about the noise from the 2 x 4inch muffin fans i was using i went and sprung for a good fan.

if they keep growing like this its gonna get interesting.

anyways im always open to suggestions and i love comments go have at er.

p.s. magical cleared up my magnesium problem in 2-3 days.



Well-Known Member
i want an ebb and flow,i asked santa for one for xmas,when i never got it i asked him why,he said i wasnt a good boy,this was confuseing because i have been good,so i asked what he was refering to,and he mentiones something about 30 years ago.I said for get that man i aint asking you for anything if your going to go that far back.So consider your self lucky that you have one,your going to see those explode into bud,good luck man.


Well-Known Member
yeah i cant wait. there doing good. i went into alot of debt for it, i just cant live without my garden. trying different supplements this time around.

using advanced with,

dutchmaster penitrator and folitech-foliar twice a week
dutchmaster penitrator and max fx-foliar twice a week
soon to use dutchmaster phospoload
and some humic acid which started flowering nicely-with days there were hairs

thx man


Well-Known Member
the tall ones are alleycat and they just explode. the yeild is amazing their gonna be so large i hope i removed enough from each of them