Grow Update!


Active Member
Okay as you all know, I've been screwing around with aquaphonics.
It's really cool, and I even got wicked advice from a man from china while riding the toronto subway. Seems china has been using this method to grow rice since forever.

I've come up with a system anybody can use and it's really discrete.

Okay, I changed the setup of my tank from manmade stuff to a fishtank I found in my shed.

The fish tank has a water pump in it, that pumps water up into a filter, by removing the filter and putting my rockbed there I have managed to make an easy system that anybody could do.

The plant sits in a medium ontop of the rockbed, the roots reach down into the rocks, and right into the constant stream of nutrient rich water from my fishies below.

There is a fan blowing on the tank with 2 bottles of sugar yeast water formula infront of it, and the plant is doing fantastic it has 4 true leaves and a thick stem.

But really anybody can do it.
I suggest you try.
You can grow the plant with the light that comes for the fish
because it's artifical sunlight.
it's so amazing!
Somebody lend me a camera, lol