Grow some god damn BALLS!!!

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Junior Creatologist
Ok everyone,

I hope you guys dont mind me speaking my opinion on this subject, but im going to anyways, so if you mind, just stop readin now.

I wanna touch on the "blind" -rep.

If your going to give somebody a -rep for something that they said that you didnt approve of, or thought was stupid, why dont you fuckin grow a sack and do one of two things - 1: you can post and reply to the person, telling them that you think that they are wrong for what they are saying, and talk to the person mono e mono about it, and fuckin say your piece n be out, or 2: If you HAVE TO -rep somebody, leave your fuckin name behind it.

There aint no reason why the person who your taking reputation away from shouldn't be able to know who the fuck did that to him/her, so they can ask you what the fuck they did wrong, and very fuckin possibly, work shit out with you. I mean granted, it also might go the other way and turn into an argument too, but what the FUCK does that matter?? if your scared to fight with somebody in a fucking forum, then you SERIOUSLY got problems, and dont belong in any type of debate where someones opinion as an individual actually comes into play.

Grow a fucking spine for fucks sake, and leave a name when you take rep from somebody. That shit gets annoying, and then people end up runnin around to people that they think did it, and -rep them, when it was YOU the whole time, and if you had a fuckin sack, all of that shit would be avoided. Now, i know that RIU gives you the option to leave your name or keep it anonymous, n thats all well n good, but that ability also gives people the ability to run around and fuckin go -rep 30 people in one night, just because they are having a bad day ( n i know for a fact that people have been doin that as of lately, and its fuckin bullshit.).

GROW A SPINE. MAKE YOURSELF KNOWN, AND FACE THE GOD DAMN MUSIC IF YOUR GONNA BE A COCKSUCKER.(also, i just want people to know that i am not talking about EVERYONE that has passed out -rep in their time here on RIU, im talkin about the ignorant fucks that think they are right all the fuckin time, and whenever you say something that they think is retarded, or if they think that your wrong wether you really are or not, they fuckin hit u with -rep for no type of real reason at all.).



Active Member
Blind rep is a bitch never had any exp with it but if you that scared of getting one back you a pussy.

I don't truly care for the rep system I give rep where rep is due, haven't given out one bad rep yet.

Going around -reping that's crazy.

I blind plus rep sometimes but never neg.


New Member
if your scared to fight with somebody in a fucking forum, then you SERIOUSLY got problems
If you feel the need to type a lecture about why you despise neg reps .. then .... Well I think you know the rest.

It's a reflection of life... Do you think you know about every person who has said something bad about you?



Well-Known Member
haha yea fair enough man. me personally i dont care much for them cause as your saying there is some real babies here who -rep for fuck all and +rep for stupid stuff to. just my 2 cents worth. + 1000 rep points for you my friend haha


New Member
and if ur new like me, when i rep someone, their rep doesnt change, thats pretty gay, y dont they juss take the rep thing off until u can use it


Junior Creatologist
If you feel the need to type a lecture about why you despise neg reps .. then .... Well I think you know the rest.

It's a reflection of life... Do you think you know about every person who has said something bad about you?

naw dude i dont know the rest. N this shit aint a lecture, its me callin out spineless motherfuckers on behalf of every member on here thats been blind -repped by somebody n then been pissed off all day long cuz they didnt do shit but speak their mind. Your entitled to your own opinion, n so am i, n thats the beauty of the world.

Except, if your willing to express your opinion in public, you need to be prepared for other people to express how much they disagree with your opinion. The only thing is, people should express it, rather than run around and fuckin chop heads anonymously.

N im sure that people talk shit behind my back, thats also the nature of the world. Theres always gonna be people who dont like other people, and talk shit behind their backs because they dont have the fuckin stones to say it to somebodies face. N thats all well n good, n i may be alone in saying this, but people who cant talk shit to my face aint never gonna get respect from me, or the people that theyre talking shit about me to.

I mean, the couple times ive been blind -repped, ive immediately called out whoever did it, n never got a response, so reguardless of what that persons opinion might have been, the relavency of that opinion went out the window the moment that they shrunk into the shadows n ran away like a bitch when i called them out. we should have a fuckin respect meter on here aswell as a rep meter.

Im not condemning neg reps, im condemning people that neg rep other people without taking responsibility for what they are doing. And if you support somethin like that....then....Well I think you know the rest.



New Member
I don't 'support' it ... I don't even give out neg reps... But I just feel sad for you if your day is ruined from a negative reputation on an online forum...


Junior Creatologist
I don't 'support' it ... I don't even give out neg reps... But I just feel sad for you if your day is ruined from a negative reputation on an online forum...
My day aint never ruined because of something someone else did. Some negative rep on my shit aint a big deal, n the whole blind thing aint a huge deal neither - it was just something that was on my mind. I aint trying to be some giant advocate for changing the rules, i just wanted it known that it pisses people off when they get -rep and people are too scared to admit that they did it. No need to turn it into some epic battle at all. Just grow a sack. s'all im sayin :clap:


Junior Creatologist
N by the way smoke, thanks for "takin me down a few pegs" with your little -rep there bud. man, ya got me. didnt see that one comin at all, lol.


Junior Creatologist
o, i must have missed that. Well, then im sorry for accusin u there guy.

reguardless, no big deal, knew it was comin as soon as i hit the start new thread button, lol.


New Member
King5p4d3 juss gave me a -rep for posting that that guys avatar was funny,,, u are a fuckin lil punk, i have done nothing to u and after u started a thread about bitches givin neg rep for no reason u gave me all i can say
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