Grow room setup questions! and plant help! (PICS)

Welcome! and thank you for taking a look,

Well firstly, i want to start off by saying that this is my first grow ive ever attempted so i am still in the process of learning and experiencing new things.
These plants were givin to me at 4 weeks old and one of them was 3 weeks. I've had them for 2 weeks now and been have taking quiet good care of them and doing everything i can do in my situation. There in good pots with soil i bought at home depot and i added percilite to the mixture.
~ Setup Inquiry ~

Well my setup is basically based of home materials and minimumally under 50$ invested into equipment. So its not a super pro closet setup some of you might be thinking.
I know i definatly need better lights and im going to invest in them soon but till then i am using 100W bulbs (3), on four plants that i am growing. I am wondering how long this will last as far as there grow process because i know when they start flowering there is going to be a diffrent cycle needed.
There is a good consistancy of breeze though, bottom right there is a fan that is blowing air and giving them a good consistancy of air flow and there always moving nicely.
How long might this setup last? Whats needed.

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* ~ The Plants ~ *

The plaint four plant strains im growing are - Chem Dog, Blue berry hogsbreath, bubba OG and Larry
Here's the big thing although, when i got these plants they had spider mites and i started treating them 2 days after i got them with this stuff called "Bayer Advanced Natria Insect, Disease and Mite Control" and I would spray them , leave them for 20 minutes, spray them down with water and then 20 minutes and there back in. I did this once every 3 days for 2 weeks now and it looks like they are going away, but definatly still there .. not as strong although.

They are looking okay to me and looking for a nice growth for the most part, there getting new leaves as im keeping track basically day by day.
THE BIG question really im trying to understand is that there getting like this almost to say 'sperm' looking substance on there leaves. Its like a crust like also because ive actually taken it off the leaves by peeling a little bit of the white stuff off. I dont know if the spider mites have caused this but i am thinking they have somthing to do with it or if you guys know what it really is, i really need the help.

Im really interested and am going to read all of your guys feedback so please dont be afraid to put good information in it.

I will be posting more pictures throughout time of these plants the full grow and any corrections that i might make through your guys judgement and advice.

Thank you,


Some updates that have been going throgh is definatly knowing to keep that light closer to them. Taken off covers due to dust and im in the process of changing up the spider mite spray and going to a local hydroponic store and getting real spider mite killer other than the homedepot shit i got.
Plants are going well and looking to start my flowering process in early to mid January.

Get insecticidal soap for the spider mites they have an organic one at home depot for like 5 bucks. You can get a 400w hps setup on amazon for around $150 shipped and that will definitely kick you plants into gear, skip out on buying a sack on payday and pick up some lights and no matter what you decide to do you absolutely need to get some soap to get rid of those mites.
Get insecticidal soap for the spider mites they have an organic one at home depot for like 5 bucks. You can get a 400w hps setup on amazon for around $150 shipped and that will definitely kick you plants into gear, skip out on buying a sack on payday and pick up some lights and no matter what you decide to do you absolutely need to get some soap to get rid of those mites.
Hmm, shit , yeah i see.. i really want to get those mites out of here and that bayer shit isnt even really working. I mean 3 sprays of a course of 9 days and there still there! Ill try and go see if i can get some insecticidal soap for the spider mites, hopefully that will work. I will keep it posted on updates


Active Member
Go to hydro store , get 29$ buy (azamax)&(neem oil) mix up and spray plants under leafs !!
Do this every 4-5 days !
Get a HO T5 cfl light or a hps/mh , tell them your on a buget
ask them to work with you $$
keep reading !


Well-Known Member
Plants look good The neem oil should work if you can handle the heat go with Mh/hps if not get a but load of the Cfls
6500 blue spectrum veg
2700 orange spectrum bloom
A mixed spectrum is the best way to go
I've moved the lights closer and also took off the covers on the lights cause they had light dust of them. Looks like theres better light and there liking it more. I just need to figure out how im going to put like 2 more CFL's down the side of them.
Tommaro is when im going to spray them tommaro again with that bayer stuff so that will be 3 days since my last spray which should be again helping the plants. But I have some pictures and I NEED to know whats going on and whys theres LITERALLY silver crust on the leaves. Like i am basically able to take off the silver crust by hand. KinD of! just some. and there are still like 2 or 3 little black dots under some of the leaves i can see, so i do infact still have spider mites ): .. more updates to come! But here are some pics! and more
advice is highly apreciated!

Before christmas or maybe tommaro how things pan out for me ill me going for the neem oil and check out the azamax product and also try and get good nutrients.

Also about the lights, yeah there is a good possiblity i will have to do CFL through the whole grow. Right now i got 2 100W and 1 50W CFL on them, but im going to figure a way out to put a couple on the side. Whats the wattage i should be using with these CFL's and what wattage should i switch the CFL's to when comes time for flowering?


Active Member
There is a,b,c nutes =3
grow / growbloom/bloom
and micro and cal mag !!
ph tester 7$/ph,up,ph,down ,,,,can get cheep at fish store 10$
so your lookin
120$-140 nutes
200$-250 light
Its costly at first but these are simple things you will need !
i would get the general hydroponics GRO BOX 30$
it has a lot of basic things you will need
Also,ask them for samples !!
There is a,b,c nutes =3
grow / growbloom/bloom
and micro and cal mag !!
ph tester 7$/ph,up,ph,down ,,,,can get cheep at fish store 10$
so your lookin
120$-140 nutes
200$-250 light
Its costly at first but these are simple things you will need !
i would get the general hydroponics GRO BOX 30$
it has a lot of basic things you will need
Also,ask them for samples !!

Sweet, yeah im going over to the hydroponics store to get some super grow and growbloom , nutrients shit like that. Although the one thing is the lights might have, so .. we'll see how it goes. Today i woke up and can tell they grew from yestarday morning and there looking healthy... Now all i need also is DEATH TO SPIDER MITES ! haha

Garden weeds

Active Member
Right this is me.. I have quite a good sized grow room, 3x3 meter squared. Consisting of my 60-60-140 grow tent for veg and the whole room is my flower room. I usually grow 5 plants at a time and use 3 125watt CFL lights for veg and use Bio-Bizz root juice and Bio-Bizz grow in veg stage. Then in flower i use the rest of the bio-bizz range and a 600watt HPS with 2 large fans and a carbon exhaust fan. This is how i do it and i have had brilliant results and love growing this way. Hope this helps ya a little with your setup, i would be happy to help if you wanted to add me as a friend. Happy growing !!! GW
Yeah thats what im thinking too, the bayer stuff, i am going to do a spider mite spray of new stuff tommaro.
Is it possible that i could flower with cfl's too?


Active Member
You can flower with CFLs !
The more the better !
Azamax is for mites and other pests !
Most pest sprays leave a film on the leafs , it's ok that's the stuff protecting your plants
you can simply spray them with water , under the leafs , on top of the leafs !
Keep controll on thouse f$&$s
You can flower with CFLs !
The more the better !
Azamax is for mites and other pests !
Most pest sprays leave a film on the leafs , it's ok that's the stuff protecting your plants
you can simply spray them with water , under the leafs , on top of the leafs !
Keep controll on thouse f$&$s
Sweet, thanks man. I'm going to run by and see if i can pickup some azamax at my hydroponic store. Hopefully they have it. They also have there own brand of spider mite spray i guess that i might try. We'll see but im going to make a grow journal pretty soon aswell.
I'll keep you guys posted but today im looking at them and there lookin good an fresh! with of course the exception they probably still ahve spider mites but not strong at all and the leaves look nice and barely any damage from the mites so they will be gone soon. There almost half way tall as my closet and I'm going to try and start flowering around last days of December or early January. What do you guys think on that?
Definatly ^.^ gotta keep the bud clean.

Do you think that my plants might be males ):?
They might be showing signs and it looks like one or two might be getting those buldges at the stem of some.

although on some of the other two plants theres hairs coming out of the stems small ones. and i find one bright orange hair coming out of the Blueberry hogs breath.