Grow room Design help needed?


Rite now the only one which is veg that is currently working has no cover and I keep the plants on 24/7 light and space heater to keep warm but I'm look to some what double my grow room currently into larger modules but I need some help with the design of it. Heres my circumstances

The entrance I have is throw a ladder leading to the room. the entrance hole is 20in by 19ins almost even but I have a height problem when putting thing in the hole. So I was thinking I could cut some 2x4 into 25in long pieces and create a frame in the grow area. I just have no exact idea what kind of materials I should use as walls. Im used to using CFL's to grow but i would think I'd need something better for a veg room thats W:20in L: 20 H:30in then a Flowering room thats W:30in L:20in H: 50in.
But I was also thinking of making a wall sorta of squares that are atleast 20in squared and then rectangles that are W:20in H:30 L:20in. These are just some thoughts though once i get things set up I'll post some pictures.

My whole area to grow is W:84in H:65-92in L:72in


Well-Known Member
With 7ft x 6ft x 8ft max area to use why aren't you just utilising it with say 2x600w hps or at a bare minimum 1x600w??

All this sectioning here and there to add cfls, just use the entire space.

Its a little difficult to understand what you've written.

You may understand it but someone who isn't there or in your head has a hard time understanding what you actually want.



Well-Known Member
Cannabis and flowers
LMAO! Brilliant.... seriously.
I think he meant what do you want to do to grow that.

Do you want perpetual, single run, hydro, soil...?
There's countless ways to grow, so every grow room is different. It depends on what you want to do that determines what you need for your room.
We can't just tell you how to set it up. You need to do the research to learn the best way.

But then again... there are plenty of people who love to grow vicariously through others so... you might find a few puppet masters on this site. ;)


oh read it wrong um I use soil and today i notice i have to many plants for the size of my grow box itself so I was planning on dividing two rooms up and setting it up from there. I dont have the money to get any MH or HPS lights so Im stuck on cheaper things. for the moment I'm just trying to get this first grow done before i try it again I was very un prepared for it all in the first place. Basically I have a grow area which im using now of W:1ft H:2ft L:2ft with 4 CFLs going which i have 3 plants in total but its cramped so once the light come on again im going to start working again. I just need some help with determining the size of grow room I need. i will only be doing 3-4 plants at a time in veg so how big should The Veg and flowering room should be I read somewhere that 1 square foot per plant. and is there any cheap lights besides CFLs? Sorry if I cause some head aches im just really knew to it even though its been pasted down threw my family


Well-Known Member
No worries man, no problems.
Look, if you're on a budget (and believe me, I ABSOLUTELY AM) then I recommend you try to get some good soil (so you don't run into nute problems) like Fox Farms Ocean forest. My local hydro shop only carries it in 135cu feet. (like 22$) but it's too much for my needs, so I special ordered the smaller 12qt bag. It's good for micro grows like this.
If you're strapped for space, you could always do as I have done, i'm using a simple cardboard box in my closet. Not super stealthy exactly, but no one is going in there.

Anyway, back to your grow.
3 plants is more then likely too much for the space you have. You're going to want to LST big time. There are a number of micro-grow threads you should absolutely check out.
But let's start with the basics;
What soil are you using?
What's your light schedule? You said 24/0 {24/7, I assume you mean always...?} I recommend going for 20/4 {20 on / 4 off}. If nothing else, it can help keep the temps down, and it's good for plants to be able to rest for a short time. You can absolutely get away with 24/0, but it's typically understood that all life forms benefit from some form of rest. There are few (if NO) places in the world suitable to grow cannabis that gets 24 hours of nonstop light for any amount of time.
What color temp are the CFL's? (as 6500K-5000K {Daylight/Sunlight} is for veg, and 2700K-2300K{Soft White} is for flower. If it doesn't say on the bulb, look at the box, it will usually say it somewhere.
What is the True wattage of your bulbs? (Not the equivalent wattage, the true wattage. This should almost certainly be printed on the bulbs base. It'll say like 9W, or 23W, or 42W or something like that.)
What is the average temperature of your grow space?
How old are your plants? (or do you have them yet...?)

With limited space, you're usually best off building a CFL setup on your own.
For Example:


These pages are DIRECTLY from the book; Marijuana BUDS for less - Grow 8 oz. of bud for less than $100 by SeeMoreBuds. It's another thread in the CFL subforum.
Personally, rather then clipping all the wires, I simply remove the socket portion of some old lamps I don't use anymore, and then use 3 Y splitters to allow 4 bulbs to hook into it.

My current CFL setup in a relatively small box looks like this;

Picture 046.jpgPicture 045.jpgPicture 044.jpgPicture 043.jpg

And just previously looked like this; (I only post it, because there's a breakdown of where and what everything is.)

Picture 020 (breakdown).jpg

I have a lot of ventilation though. What sort of temps do the region you live in have???

Answer the questions i've asked and we'll go from there.
In a good mood, and really bored tonight, so i'll answer anything you need. Anyone else is welcome too as well, i'm not the MOST experienced. But I can certainly help you with a budget setup. My setups may not be pretty, But they sure do work. I did a CFL grow as one of my first, and I have a STUPID COMPLEX grow room. But it worked wonderfully!
This isn't my thread i'm linking you to, it's another persons, but I was giving an example of my grow room. (I just don't feel like reposting all those pics again, they're all on that thread)

/Giant long baked and energetic rant


Soil I use is Jiffy Natural & organic seed starting mix cost me only 5$ and only one the had at a store near by

My Light Schedule is 18/6

My Color Temps are 3 6500K and 1 2700K cause one of my 6500K broke
Wattage is 14 watt only reason is mostly cause its all thy had at the store at the time and I cant get back out to town for awhile to get others.

My Average temperatures are around 60 degrees to 70 degrees but without space heater 40 to 50 degrees.

Temps of region depend on the day where I live everything is going up so its hard to say so its roughly like this: in the winter -20 degrees to 50 degrees spring- 40 degrees to 70 degrees summer- 60 degrees to 100 degrees.

Within my who room space I have a 7x8 room but i like to grow in containers so its harder to notice the light.


Well-Known Member
Wow, nice amount of space, and cold temps! Yeah, keep he heater running to be sure! lol
70 is a good temp, 60 is a little cold, you'll wanna try to keep it a little higher.
I recommend you get more lights immediately. Primarily because the lights are going to help keep things warm. Although the lighting you have is sufficient for a sproutling.
Once you're about 2 weeks in, you'll want to up that to about 100 true watts. And by week 4-5, you'll want more.
How many plants do you intend to be growing in your veg room at any given time? If it's between 1-3, then CFL's are fine, just try to up the total TRUE wattage to 2-4 hundred if possible. 6500K for veg, 2300K for flower. You won't have to buy many (or any) additional sockets at all if you simply get Y splitters (or even a 4 socket splitter) to help you add bulbs without more cords and lamps. Typically when getting CFL's, you don't want to get anything below 23-27W (they vary, but are essentially the same at those wattages). Above that are 42's, and then 55's or thereabouts. Those are good bulbs, they fit in a standard light socket and put out a good amount of light. If you're going to get a large watt single CFL, I recommend a reflector. If you're going to stick with multiple low watt bulbs, you can skip reflectors (still go with a few on the top in a reflector or 2) and then place, or hang the rest of them around the plant to give it good coverage.

Currently (and i'm going overboard at the moment, so you don't need near this much for just the one. I'm just testing temps and times right now with full power bulbs) i'm running just under 400W of CFL's. 26W 6500K's x8 {208W}, 26W 5000K's x2 {52W}, 27W 2700K's x2 {54W}, 42W 2300K's x2 {84}. Equaling 398W of mixed spectrum lighting. {260 Blue, 138 Red}

As I said, that's way more then I need right now, but if you were going to be running like 3-5 plants, that could work for you in veg.

You said you were interested in setting up 2 separate grow box/rooms? One for veg, one for flower?


Correct So I could keep a continuous cycle I already have my cloning area done. at first I was only growing 2 plants planned but my friend got see and there just bag seeds so i started to grow them. After these 3 are dont I plan on only growing 2 plants at a time. On the first I will go out and buy more CFLs and my family owns a junk yard so its not hard to find sockets and other things. Thank you for all the help. later Im painting the whole room with flat white plaint so its easier to keep it clean. Do you have any suggestions for nutrition? Or is it find just going upon water only the whole life cycle?


Well-Known Member
You'll need some sort of nutrient/fertilizer. But not typically during veg. (depending on the quality of soil you're using)


Well-Known Member
If it's at all possible. I would highly recommend getting Fox Farms: Ocean Forest soil for once they're ready to be transplanted. Typically, you can only find it at hydro shops though, and ordering it online isn't easy due to it's weight.
Your best bet, if you CAN'T get ahold of it, is to get a type of miracle grow. It gets a bad rap, but it will work in a pinch. No matter what though, Fox Farms, or MG, you'll need some perlite to go with it. Mix it in at 1/3 Perlite to Soil, up to 1/2-1/2. Most soil comes with some perlite, but it's never enough. You want a lot.
Perlite is pretty cheap, just get a small/medium sized bag from wherever that has it. Most is very basic and has no special properties from brand to brand.
The seed starting soil is only good for the first couple weeks at most, after that you'll want to transplant it to a more suitable medium.