Grow house BUST!


Well-Known Member
I understand the benefits of growing large scale. I just often wonder if it would be worth the risks.


Active Member
3 weeks ago there was a huge bust across the street from my house i live in a regular subdivision and i had no idea they had like 2.2 million dollars worth accross the street from my house and im not kidding


Just some idiot
3 weeks ago there was a huge bust across the street from my house i live in a regular subdivision and i had no idea they had like 2.2 million dollars worth accross the street from my house and im not kidding
And here this whole time you thought you lived in a "safe neighborhood" were there any "warning signs"?


Well-Known Member
Where I am from it does not matter if it is 1 plant or 100.
It is still the same charge.
They get to charge you with something else when it is over 100 plants.

So down here if you gonna do it may as well do it up right.
As soon as I get moved into a bigger space I will expand exponentially.


New Member
they had 3 million in nugs and they were too greedy/dumb to go buy a generator or two. fucking wankers. everytime i hear about large scale busts....they were stealing electricity.


Well-Known Member
just got to greedy and careless, if your gonna grow big you gotta watch your p's and q's.
Dumbasses, stealing electricity......dumbasses


Well-Known Member
over 1000 plants confiscated totaling $3,000,000 worth of product?

That's an earning of $3,000 per plant! Let's say for instance they sell it at $300/ounce. That's 10 oz of bud per plant indoors! I bet there was corn in those numbers when they pulled them out of their asses.


Active Member
lmfao: "they were the perfect neighbors, except they were growing marijuana".... LMAO....

Who in their right mind would rather have some asshole who throws drunk of their ass parties every week (legally mind you) be their neighbor.... instead of a house full of PLANTS...

I dont see a problem, the house looked great, they didnt bother anyone... and from the looks of things they were only caught because they stole gobs of power.

Yea, generator would have been a good idea...


Well-Known Member
in the video lots of those plants were small clones and stuff in veg also its funny how the people in the video act like there doing such a horrible thing


Well-Known Member
Yeah 1000 plants is a lot closer to 30,000 dollars than 3 million
If you had a half ounce for every plant and you sold it all for 200 an ounce you'd have 100K. I think they may have been pulling a litlle more than half an ounce with that setup.

Anywho, There was a house in Sacramento about a year ago that had some poor electrician work while stealing power and the house full of bud went up in flames. The cops said they were getting "contact high". That'll teach 'em.

A lot of other house like this. It's amazing.


Well-Known Member
over 1000 plants confiscated totaling $3,000,000 worth of product?

That's an earning of $3,000 per plant! Let's say for instance they sell it at $300/ounce. That's 10 oz of bud per plant indoors! I bet there was corn in those numbers when they pulled them out of their asses.
numbers thrown to the public are always exagerated, they're meant to make the grower sound evil


Well-Known Member
Yeah 1000 plants is a lot closer to 30,000 dollars than 3 million
depends what they had for light... light = money, not so much # of plants.. on average for every 1000 watt bulb, a good/decewnt grower should get about 1.5lbs.. depending on price per pound in your area, you can do the math.... say they had 40 lights for those 1000 plants, they could have expected to get around 60 lbs if they were good growers, at a price of $2000/lb which is the average for decent shit where i live, they should be looking at around $120,000 in profit... 3 million? lol gimme a break, just tryin to make us growers look bad