Grow cab reflection and leaks


Active Member
Hey guys I want my grow cab to utilize the lighting as much as possible it is currently green if I spray paint it gloss white would that help to reflect the light on the plants better.......

Ps how much light leak will destroy a crop for instance I'm gone the whole day and when I come home and I go to cover it the plants up does me turning on the ceiling light for a split second so I can see what I'm covering make a possibility for hermies


Well-Known Member
I have heard you want FLAT white, not GLOSS white.

I have also heard a few minutes of light in the dark cycle is ok.


i try to keep it as dark as i can during the dark hours. However when i need to go into my grow room during the dark hours I use a led flashlight in the far corner of the room. It will give your room a lil moonlight lol. not enough lumen to do any harm. maybe you can use a nightlight?


Active Member
Hey guys I want my grow cab to utilize the lighting as much as possible it is currently green if I spray paint it gloss white would that help to reflect the light on the plants better.......

Ps how much light leak will destroy a crop for instance I'm gone the whole day and when I come home and I go to cover it the plants up does me turning on the ceiling light for a split second so I can see what I'm covering make a possibility for hermies
ABSOLUTELY use Flat White, not Glossy and as for light, there are mixed opinions. I would suggest as close to NO LIGHT as possible. Green light however is supposed to just fine.


the moon emits about from .001-0.2 lux of light which is about .0018 lumens per square foot. so it depends on how big your room is, where the light is located and how many lumens it emits.

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
Use Flat white.i was turned on to a flat wht. Elastameric(rubberized)roofing paint.20bux a [email protected] helps seal the cracks/joints in the cabinetaswell. Also,i use a green bulb when i havta interupt dark cycle.have had no probs.