Grow box in my attic


Active Member
Hello this is my first grow and i have a few questions i need some help on. I just built a grow box out of a large cardboard box big enough for 2 or 3 plants. I linned the inside of the box with aluminum foil and i cut out a hole were im going to install a computer fan in the side of the box for some air flow. Im using an old flourescent fish tank light that is 15 watts plus 2 cfls that are 13 watts each.Is this enough lighting for 2 plants. Also it gets hot in the attic during the day probably 90 degrees or more in the summer is there any way i can keep it cool without having to do much. Im trying to keep this operation small b.c my parents would kick me out of the house if they found out. I dont have alot of electricity up in my attic all i have is a extension cord that goes from my room into the ceiling up to the attic. Do you guys have any suggestions or comments to help me out i would really apreciate it.


Well-Known Member
I agree with Shaman.
You should not grow in your parents house....
If I were you I would find a nice remote spot outside.. until you can grow on your own property. (ie house,apt,etc.)

And growfaq is very informative.