Grow box Help


Well-Known Member
Gooday all,

-I have a 36 watt = 500 watt CFL in a homemade box.

-1 small Pc fan for intake (will upgrade to a bigger Pc fan and add an exaust PC fan aswell)

-I realize I need another fan inside for cerculation too.

-I have 15 Unknown seedlings and a Skunk #3 seedling aswell as some peppers and an eggplant.

-Everything will be going outside in a few weeks for some outdoor except for the 1 skunk#3 and 1 unknown.

-I would like to have the box ready for the two i will keep indoors by the time i get rid of the others.

-I was thinking of another 36 watt cfl pointing upwards from the ground.

-Anyone with some ideas for improvment or upgrades?

The Box..jpg

The Box.jpg

36watt CFL.jpg

week 1 veg.jpg

week 1 veg..jpg

week 1 veg...jpg

week 1 veg....jpg


Well-Known Member
Added new light and plan on getting two socket splitters for the existing sockets and placing 4- 36 watt CFLS for 10000+ lumens in my box

Manny Ramirez

Well-Known Member
I'd say......get rid of the cardboard's a fire hazard.....

find something safer.....giant rubbermaid containers..../....a standup wardrobe.......anything.....


Well-Known Member
yeah, dont use cardboard it gets pretty hot in there with the lights on almost all day, if the light sparks something and it will catch, not worth the risk.