GreenX How to's... How to Water Cure (w/pics)


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't say it makes it taste 'better,' it more removes the taste and smell... Which could be useful. It works better with fresh bud, but I don't see why it wouldn't work with some dry bud, though I'd recommend trying it with a small amount before soaking your whole stash!

Let me know how it goes! :)


I know this thread is old, but I'm a newbie and maybe this will find other I'm trying this and looking forward to the ninth day. Cheers


Just found this when looking if there is any way to salvage a plant that had a couple of buds with mould on them. Plenty of people advised to throw the whole plant, and after researching water curing, it seems lots of lots of people have successfully used it to save bud that has / had mould. Some very interesting reading


Well-Known Member
I Love the taste and smell of my latest stashes but, I gonna try this for Travel weed. Don't want a skunk in my suitcase!