Green Pads Co2 - general consensus?


Well-Known Member
To buy or not to buy? That is the question!

I live in the uk, so its gonna be a lot to ship them etc, but what do you guys think? Check them out here:

Does anybody use them? If so, can you measure the before and after (amount of co2 in the grow area?)

I have a 4x4x6 (wxdxh) area and wonder if they would be any use?

Or, would I be best just buying a large bin (like a garden waste bin) and make a big fuck off diy yeast/water co2 thingy? I dont want to have a proper co2 as im not confident enough to do it.



Well-Known Member
sorry, i too am a co2 virgin

i currently vent- BUT i am thinking of doing a trailer with a sealed environment and air conditioning AND co2
i am not really sure of how to measure the saturation (maybe some type of electronics) but i do know its measured in parts per million (ppm)

i do know that hooking up a co2 tank and regulator is a simple affair (we have one on the beer keg) once that is accomplished it's just a matter of the proper ppm and venting before entering the room


Well-Known Member
Im sure once i got the hang of it it would be sound...but i dont have enough money to spare (im currently buying the rest of the gear for my room)...once this one is over...I might look into it.

Just these green pads *sound* like a good idea...however Im unsure if its just another con. I searched on google to find mix results...some folk that have been growing for years dissmis them as rubbish...then you have other guys that use them in small rooms/tents whatever and *say* they see results.

Just thought I would ask here as there are so many experts here!