great way to make brownies

April weed

Not sure how you guys do your brownies... But this is an awesome way to get really blazzed with not a lot of weed.:weed:

1-chop about 5 grams of your favorite home grow.
2-get a frying pan and put about 250mls of vegetable oil in it and set it to low.
3- After about a few mins you throw your grass in the pan, you can set the range to high to speed this step up.
4-Simer your weed in the pan for about an hour and a half.
5-Strain your weed from the oil.
6-Add oil to your favorite brownie mix and there you go
you have home made cannabis butter in your brownies.
7-Dont rush your self with these things they tend to get bit heavy.

If you have a cool way to make brownies please post ! :joint:


Active Member
I like the double boil method
-mix 7 grams with one stick of butter in a small glass or metal container, that will fit inside another larger pot.
-put water in the larger container you have, (but not so much that it will overflow when u set the smaller glass or metal container inside) and bring it to a rapid boil.
-let the small glass container with the butter and ganja in it, double boil for at least 4 hours (the longer u let it cook, the better)
-strain all the plant material out of the butter, and set the butter in the fridge overnight to harden, and wha la u have ganja butter

i like this method of making butter, because it ensures that non of the fat soluble THC evaporates during the cooking step, since water only boils at around 100 degrees, and THC evaporates at somewhere around 300 degrees. this method is also convient because there is no excess water that needs to be seperated from the butter.


Active Member
***oh and u may need to keep adding water to the larger pot, as water evaporates fairly quickly with a rapid boil***