Grapefruit with Leaf Claw


New Member
Hey everyone, My boyfriend and I are doing a grow and are doing pretty well, but wanted to know what the leaf claw might be from. We transplanted her from 3 to 5 gallons 2 weeks 3 days ago and have been in flower for 2 weeks. She is in a 50/50 mix of RO AND FFOF, she gets watered from a puretec filtration system, with a UV light, when her pot is light to hold and she sits under a 600 HPS. The temperature is 81 F always and RH varies in between watering.

big girls 006.jpg


Well-Known Member
normaly a sure sign of to much nitrogen doing flowering, back down on the N. and feed her more P. and K.

even under the HPS it seems to me she have a nice dark green color as well, so that would be my best guess as well, beside to much N. I also see similar reactions from a PH that is off a bit (over 7 or under 6 in soil) over watering can also make the leaves kind a curl under, not to be confused with clawing, but could look similar