Grape God Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
Damn! Thats some crazy shit. I use a 140 and i get a good amount of yellow before i start hittin green.

As for bho i just let mine sit out. No vac, no special process. Just blast, evap, let it sit over night, warm with a heat gun to get it into one glob and its good to go. No butane taste, no extras that were in the butane cause i use pretty good stuff, and most impurities would probably evap over night or when re heated. Ive smoked stuff form CO/MI/CA/WA and theres not too much difference between that and mine. Theres is more potent but barely, and the flavor of mine and theirs is the same.

I feel like my bho has less impurities in it than the air im breathing hahaha. Even if i was to use shitty butane.

Also, its funny how people who smoke cigs will complain about contams in bho..... when you could probably suck on a butane can and get less effected than smoking cigarettes. hahaha maybe not literally, but even the shittiest bho probably has half the impurities of a cigarette.

I completely understand for patients and people who want the purity, but really if people are going to rag on someones bho for being impure, then turn around and smoke a rat poison stick, they are just bho hype men/hipsters who are too cool to smoke "flowers" ugh i hate how snobby weed has become. people who didnt know what a trich or terpine was 6 months ago claim to be experts at flavors and extractions.

Its one thing to love your flavors and love good, potent weed/extracts. I do. But when you go around throwin shit in peoples faces about terpines evaporating at certain temps and impurities, yet you dont even know the lighting cycle to get weed to bud then please... sit the fuck down. Thats how you know the real growers. Theyre the ones sittin, bein quiet smokin the true kill in blunts while some kid preaches about vac purging for X hours at X temp and only smoking off t2 grade titanium.

Sorry for the rant. Early mornin and im waitin on the lady to get up to smoke the first blunt of the day. Lil edgy.

None of this was aimed at anyone on this thread, just a rant for anyone who comes by trying to say some crazy shit. I dont care. I like my "impurities", havent killed me yet. My lungs can take it. Were all going to die one day. From one thing or another, caused by one thing or another. No one can stop that. END.

DAMN i need to smoke..... (lights blunt) :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
I smoked yrs ago and was in a house of 2nd hand smoke for 20 yrs and my lungs are ruined now.
I havent tried HBO personally,but heard its hit or miss.
I would be the miss I bet lol.

Now that I am away from cigs I cant see the attraction personally anymore, and 2nd hand (cig) smoke actually affects me breathing.

With that said arent blunts made from tobacco leaf or something?

I made my keif in the garage with only MH light from the other tent to see by.
IU think thats why I did a poor job of judging color on the keif I made.

Other problem is I dont have a 140 but a 160 bag, and the 73 wasnt putting out shit so I shook harder and got slight greenish, but the 160 came out really green imo.


Well-Known Member
I feel it. Take your time on the bho and itll be bomb! Butane evaps at -50 so if you left it out for a day or 2 there is no way possible there would be any significant amount of butane left in it.

Im glad youre off nicotine. Alot of people say that exact thing, that they cant remember why they even liked it.

You might have COPD if the second hand smoke really messes with you that much.

As for blunts, i accept the small amount of tobacco in them. Its not the tobacco i hate as much as its the extra ingredients or supplementing more of the natural ingredients like nicotine. Also, i doubt there is much of anything in a shell of a blunt. Ive wanted to get it tested but im not sure of the route to do such a thing. Always been curious. But i can assume they add the chemicals to the tobacco going into the cigar and not so much the wrapper, even though some is probably leached into the wrapper. But i accept that as an impurity of my smoking habit like an adult. haha

And im not sayin you cant smoke cigs or blunts and bho. You just cant complain about the contams in my bho cause i didnt vac purge it at a certain temp for a certain time, then ask if you can smoke a cig in my house... haha like the yuppies now a days. Its weird being the minority of the tobacco world. At least 75% of my friends smoke cigs and they all smoke weed. And none of them would complain about the potential impurities in bho because they know they purposely ingest even more, worse ones willingly, every puff.


Well-Known Member
All kinds of smells like gas perfume make me feel dizzy and choke and feel panicky like I cant get any air.

Also when I went to allergist They tested breath strength and I peak the ball in tube thing, but after Albuterol and a 2nd try my power drops by 30-40%...weird should be other way I would think.

When I smoked I got Bronchitis and Pneumonia a few times and thats partly why I quit.


Well-Known Member
Damn that sucks. Ive been a swimmer for a long time so my lungs have always gotten a fair work out and arent fuckin up on me yet.

Never smoked cigarettes but smoke a bunch of blunts so im due for something lung related. Just the side effect of smoking anything really.

Gonna get my vape pen in a few days.

cheapest one out there and it works mighty fine. A friend has one and its holdin up well.


Well-Known Member
Damn that sucks. Ive been a swimmer for a long time so my lungs have always gotten a fair work out and arent fuckin up on me yet.

Never smoked cigarettes but smoke a bunch of blunts so im due for something lung related. Just the side effect of smoking anything really.

Gonna get my vape pen in a few days.

cheapest one out there and it works mighty fine. A friend has one and its holdin up well.
I was looking at the ones here.


Well-Known Member
My High Times magazine came a few days ago, I think the Dec. issue- and they review like 35 pens. It may help your choosing, read it or I can give you their recommendations if you wish.

I took 12 pic's, this is the only one worth showing. It's off a 2 ft. main'll get the idea though!



Well-Known Member
You might think so but it's strongly indica leaning. It's just the "spear" pheno. The other pheno is more "classic" indica.


Well-Known Member
I really don't notice the difference in the highs......but there is a big difference in the overall weight of the different plants. So, if I was looking for a keeper, it would be the more indica version (for the heavier weight). Vape info coming in about 10 minutes.


Well-Known Member
Some use just wax, some are wax/oil/bud and some are other combo's. But, most use wax exclusively (but not all).....not sure which are which though.


Well-Known Member
Crop is done and basically dried....I got 52 oz. off the 24 plants. Not great , not bad. High quality, and very uniform. I'm about to start a Kush strain this time, along with a skunk hybrid- more details in the weeks to come.



Well-Known Member
Nice glad to see the frostiness! got 9 of the dogs germinatin. hopin they all pop! still gotta grab some GG one of these days to run on the side as a little headstash.


Well-Known Member
Those beans are all fresh so they should all pop.......I think I got 100% sprouting on them.

I'll be back to the Grape God again after this next crop, unless the Kush seeds I got turn out crazy good- which I expect them to. Then I'll have a decision to make.


Well-Known Member
52 oz from 2 1000 watt lights?

Man I just dont grow well is all I can say lol.
I get about 10-12 oz from a 600