Grand Theft Austerity


Well-Known Member
You all know the drill, ooooooh, "we don't have any money for those sick fucking poor people, or all these students that gotta take out big loans now" because that's gotta be for profit, too. The government is broke. Boo fucking hoo, wahhhhhhhhh! You hear it all around the fucking world at the same time, too, so what the fuck does that tell you? Country after country in the nation showed this in the study they did. I may be a drunk and an addict, but I am still smart enough to know that all you have to do to put the countries money back in the black is to make rich motherfuckers pay the taxes that they were fucking supposed to in the first place. Yea. Right now, it ain't capitalism anymore. That transpacific partnership shit that even obummer is trying to ram through....that's fucking feudalism. Pure medieval feudalism.

Fuck that shit. Have a nice day.



Well-Known Member
The trans pacific agreement takes authority from Congress and places it in the hands of foreign heads of state. This is a foolish idea. Obama knows it and that's why he is keeping it's provisions secret.


Well-Known Member
I'm watching you VERY closely.
You made me a promise yesterday, now I see you use innuendo to every fucker. WHAT'S YOUR GAME? YOU PROMISED ME A WILLY RUB. I want my fucking willy rub that you promised. You're a sick wrinkly old bastard, you broke my heart. I hate you.


Well-Known Member
You all know the drill, ooooooh, "we don't have any money for those sick fucking poor people, or all these students that gotta take out big loans now" because that's gotta be for profit, too. The government is broke. Boo fucking hoo, wahhhhhhhhh! You hear it all around the fucking world at the same time, too, so what the fuck does that tell you? Country after country in the nation showed this in the study they did. I may be a drunk and an addict, but I am still smart enough to know that all you have to do to put the countries money back in the black is to make rich motherfuckers pay the taxes that they were fucking supposed to in the first place. Yea. Right now, it ain't capitalism anymore. That transpacific partnership shit that even obummer is trying to ram through....that's fucking feudalism. Pure medieval feudalism.

Fuck that shit. Have a nice day.

I have been out of weed for a few weeks now. Imagine seeing all this transpire without the aid of herb.


Well-Known Member
Eee-gads that's rough. You poor thing. *passes blunt to newt*
Thanks, hopefully end of July I'll have a harvest. I have lots of conspiracy information I wanna talk about, but I don't have the motivation to post it yet.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, hopefully end of July I'll have a harvest. I have lots of conspiracy information I wanna talk about, but I don't have the motivation to post it yet.
Hope your crop fairs well. You seem to have a pretty open mind, and a positive outlook on things. Looking forward to your new stuff, boss.


Well-Known Member
all you have to do to put the countries money back in the black is to make rich motherfuckers pay the taxes that they were fucking supposed to in the first place.
This is the single most important point I could ever get across

Conservatives believe we are trying to "punish" rich people by asking them to pay their fair share in taxes, not more than that. Why would I want someone to pay more than I think they should? I'm sure most conservatives would agree with that. That means those the most vocal about it must believe we want them to pay more. < That's the problem, and they believe that primarily because the mainstream media they absorb tells them to believe it, and that's all they see and hear. My dad is a perfect example, I know exactly what it's like I see it first hand..

If I'm making just above the poverty line, why should I pay more in taxes than someone who's making many times more than that? Because they provide the jobs? But if you look at the American history of taxation:

Income, corporate & capital gains taxes (all taxes on the upper class) have gone down since ~1962

Income: 55%-35%

Corporate: 48%-37%

Capital Gains: 20%-16%

And the historical unemployment rate:


We lowered their taxes, they haven't provided the jobs they promised. They've had 40 years, what are they waiting for?

I think it's safe to say they've pocketed all that stuff that was sposed to "trickle down" to the rest of us..

That's the evidence, only an ideology could allow someone to ignore it

Sorry Pin! I forgot I was responding to you, this is just my soapbox for the moment, forgive me for ranting my bro!



Well-Known Member
This is the single most important point I could ever get across
Conservatives believe we are trying to "punish" rich people by asking them to pay their fair share in taxes, not more than that. Why would I want someone to pay more than I think they should? I'm sure most conservatives would agree with that. That means those the most vocal about it must believe we want them to pay more. < That's the problem, and they believe that primarily because the mainstream media they absorb tells them to believe it, and that's all they see and hear. My dad is a perfect example, I know exactly what it's like I see it first hand..

If I'm making just above the poverty line, why should I pay more in taxes than someone who's making many times more than that? Because they provide the jobs? But if you look at the American history of taxation:

Income, corporate & capital gains taxes (all taxes on the upper class) have gone down since ~1962

Income: 55%-35%

Corporate: 48%-37%

Capital Gains: 20%-16%

And the historical unemployment rate:

We lowered their taxes, they haven't provided the jobs they promised. They've had 40 years, what are they waiting for?

I think it's safe to say they've pocketed all that stuff that was sposed to "trickle down" to the rest of us..

That's the evidence, only an ideology could allow someone to ignore it

Sorry Pin! I forgot I was responding to you, this is just my soapbox for the moment, forgive me for ranting my bro!
Thank you pada, thank you bro. This is violently killer info, and don't ever be sorry. For anything. Your "rants" are a solid percentage of why I even log into this site anymore. You hit the proverbial nail on the head, my dude.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
You all know the drill, ooooooh, "we don't have any money for those sick fucking poor people, or all these students that gotta take out big loans now" because that's gotta be for profit, too. The government is broke. Boo fucking hoo, wahhhhhhhhh! You hear it all around the fucking world at the same time, too, so what the fuck does that tell you? Country after country in the nation showed this in the study they did. I may be a drunk and an addict, but I am still smart enough to know that all you have to do to put the countries money back in the black is to make rich motherfuckers pay the taxes that they were fucking supposed to in the first place. Yea. Right now, it ain't capitalism anymore. That transpacific partnership shit that even obummer is trying to ram through....that's fucking feudalism. Pure medieval feudalism.

Fuck that shit. Have a nice day.

Yep, just I thought. Racist to the core.