Grand daddy purple (need some help too)


Active Member
So i have a plant of some grand daddy purple. she is looking good but has some problems i need help figuring out. ill put pictures up sometime tomorrow, promise.

first off she is 2 weeks old. shes in an 8in x 8in pot sittin in some fox farm happy tree frog soil. i have 3 daylight cfls on her(2 of them=200w each and the other=150w) and 1 (true175w) non daylight cfl. she was under just two until today cuz my other ones didnt work out :wall:. i have age old bloom for when shes ready to flower. and ive used super thrive on her twice. once when i transplanted her and the second time about a week later so just about 2 days ago.

now for the problems. the leaves are starting to curl and get crispy. ive done some research and i think its high heat and too much light. ive been running the lights 24 hrs and havent had a fan blowing on them just the exhaust fan. but today i upgraded the ehaust fan and put a fan on her. i also plan on changing the lights to 14-10 but wouldnt mind some suggestions on what will work best.

it would be nice to get some help on this one guys!



Well-Known Member
99% of the time it is one of three things, Too many nutes, light too close or over watering.

Young plants do not need air blowing on them. Use your fan to exhaust the air.
Back the light off a bit, dont water for a couple days then just R/O or distiilled Ph at 5.5. wait another day or two and you should see improvement.

We all love them too much. not to worry.​


Active Member
well thanks. i am rockin that distilled water already. my lights are about 3 inches off my plant. i think it may have been the heat slash lighting slash nutes slash air mixture. even after one night of a cool no light night it looked a little better. i will heed your advise and make some changes.



Well-Known Member
IMO you should run 18/6 lights, 14/10 might make them flower.

Also I'm think your problem is more of either nute burn or high heat. Got a thermometer?


Active Member
no thermometer but ill be sure and pick one up sometime this week.
the temp seems to make more sense than anything else cuz the super thrive is like sterroids for plants and if you mix it right and give it like once every week and a half or so it works wonders. and the lights arent that close. but ill be sure and fix the lighting schedule.
