Grand daddy purp 1st grow


This is my first grow with this strain. I am using fox farm nutes. The first pics are when i got the clones about a week ago and the 2nd set of pics is where they are today. temp has been around 72-74 F. humidity has been between 70 - 75% which i know is high. I have one 1000w hps, this is basically the begining of week 3. Let me know what you guys think. I will post up progree pics every week.:weed:


Humidity is back up again, I need to get an exhaust fan for my room. I also threw in my MH bulb last night and noticed about an inch of new growth today!


These are now on week 4... 2 of the plants, as you can see, look like bonsai trees compared to the others. Not sure why... I have been clipping off some of the feeder leaves as i go which has seemed to encourage new growth on all of them. I just am wondering why the 2 are so tiny?? Any ideas??



Active Member
Nice plants they're looking good. I have a gdp clone going right now in my current grow too, some quick advice watch your water's ph, GDP is sensative to that. Also be careful with the nutes it's easy to over nute them.


Thanks for the advice! I have only been using about a 1/4 of the reccomended dose of nutes. My ph seems to stay around 6-7. What should it be at to be safe?


Active Member
I water mine with water phd at 7.01 but anywhere from 6.2-7.01 is fine i think. Just see what works for you.


ok then seems to me ph is good so far.. sorry no pics today but the runts seem to be developing pretty nice all of sudden!


Well-Known Member
These are now on week 4... 2 of the plants, as you can see, look like bonsai trees compared to the others. Not sure why... I have been clipping off some of the feeder leaves as i go which has seemed to encourage new growth on all of them. I just am wondering why the 2 are so tiny?? Any ideas??
dont clip any leaves off.. you need all off them. your plant will grow fast with more leaves, especially at this stage.