
Paraffin is solid @ the temps I'm working with,... and even FAR above any temps I'd like to have around my plants in such a delicate state. So how would I use Paraffin wax without hurting my girl?

I'm NOT a botanist, Just a schmuck with a green thumb.
Thanks for the link! :cool:

I've got paraffin for the leather work I used to do, just wasn't sure how to use it for plants,.... Brushing it on wouldn't do much harm since it cools so quickly in that small of quantity.

None the less, I just logged in and saw the link so tonight's graft attempt was the same as the last several! ;)

Did this the same as before, tho with the lessons learned from the Vannilluna graft I've got some better hopes.

Both the donor and host plants were watered just about an hour before the cutting began, both "weeped" sap from the cuts (even the graft had a little drop of sap on the bottom before I shaved the sides)

I"m using a ziploc freezer bag as a humidity dome (works a HELL of a lot better than a regular sandwich baggy! )

On the vannilluna graft, I used electrical tape to hold the graft in place,... worked great! Was tough as heck to get back off! So this time I'm trying blue painters tape.

Wish me luck! :weed:


I'm thinking of using a ziptie to hold the wound closed, and wax to seal it up on my next attempt. :?

The way I've been doing it the tape has been acting as the sealing agent (preventing O2 from getting to the wound and drying it out), and also holding the wound closed (mostly)

A Ziptie would be nice and secure and wax would be air tight,..... both would be removed once the graft had healed obviously! :eyesmoke:

Anyone got any opinions on that idea?
A few day's ago I thought I noticed the WW Graft has started to show signs of growth,... so I pulled the bag off,..... wilted in an hour! :( Should have known better, that was WAY too fast!

I misted with some water and put the bag back on, and things are looking better now! :D It's CERTAINLY growing, but I'm gonna wait a couple more day's before I try hardening it off again. ;)

Brick Top

New Member
But i tried the " Cloneing on the vine " trying to take clones direct from the mother , It failed on the two attempts i made.

Google air layering propagation. There are various methods depending on what and how someone wants to do something and where a plant may be, as say in the ground instead of in a pot, but you should be able to pick out the method that is best for your situation, wants and needs. I have done it before, it works, it is not difficult.

Here is an example of what is found on one site that comes up with you Google air layering propagation. It does not mention using rooting compound, which would be a real plus to use, and it says use sphagnum moss, which I would say use something else instead, but it will give you a better idea of what I believe you want to do and what you call; "Cloning on the vine."

I used to have pictures of it used on a cannabis plant but due to a recent total computer failure I lost them. If you can find it about a year and a half or two years ago I started a thread, that quickly died, about air layering propagation and I did post the pictures of it used with a cannabis plant in the thread.

Extension landscape horticulturist
Air layering is a useful method of producing roots on the stem of indoor landscape plants that have become "leggy" through the loss of their lower foliage.
This method, believed to have been developed centuries ago by the Chinese, has been used successfully as a mean of propagating some of the more difficult-to-root plants. Because it required excessive care and patience, air layering was used only by the highly trained plantsman.
The procedure was to wound the stem or branch of a plant and enclose the wounded stem with moist sphagnum moss or similar rooting medium until roots develop from the wounded area. Success was dependent upon the ability of the propagator to keep the rooting medium moist until the roots were formed and large enough to support the new plant. Only since the development of polyethylene film has air layering become a practical method of propagation for the home gardener and amateur horticulturist.
Air layering seldom is used on plants that root easily by other less complicated methods, but it is useful for rooting ornamental plants such as ornamental figs, dieffenbachia, croton and others of a herbaceous nature. Woody plants frequently propagated in this manner include magnolia, holly, camelia, azalea and many of the fruit and nut bearing plants such as citrus, apple, pears and pecans.
For optimum rooting make air layers in the spring on shoots produced during the previous season or in mid-summer on mature shoots from the current season's growth. On woody plants, stems of pencil size or larger are best. The stem may be much thicker on the more herbaceous plants.
Steps for making a successful air layer are illustrated in the following drawings:

Figure 1. Method of wounding woody plants such as magnolia, gardenia, rose, fig and similar plants. With a sharp knife, make two parallel cuts about 1 1/2 inches apart around the stem and through the bark and cambium layer. Connect the two parallel cuts with one long cut (a) and remove the ring of bark (b), leaving the inner woody tissue exposed (c).
Figure 2. Method of wounding plants having less woody stems in preparation for air layering. This method usually is used on foliage plants such as the rubber plant, (Ficus benjamini and Ficus elastica) and the dieffenbachia. (a) With a sharp knife, make a long upward cut from 1 1/2 to 2 inches long, almost to the center of the stem.
(b) Insert a wood sliver, toothpick or twisted piece of sphagnum moss into the wound to hold it open and prevent cut tissue from reuniting. At this point, the wounded area may be dusted with one of the commercial rooting compounds to speed up the rooting process. Such compounds, however, do not insure root production on difficult-to-root varieties.
Figure 3. Apply a handful of damp sphagnum moss so that it envelopes the wounded portion of the stem. Tying the moss in place with string helps keep it in position while completing the process. The sphagnum moss should be soaked several hours to insure that it is thoroughly moist. Squeeze out surplus water before using, since excessive moisture will result in decay and deterioration of the plant tissue.
Figure 4. Using a sheet of polyethylene film approximately 6" X 12" or 8" X 12", depending upon the size of the plant stem, wrap the ball of sphagnum moss using the butchers fold (see insert) to secure a tight seal where the two ends of the sheet are joined.
Figure 5. Draw the upper end of the film snugly around stem making sure that none of the moss is exposed. Fasten securely with electricians tape, taking care that the tape extends beyond the film and adheres to the stem. Repeat the procedure on the lower end, again making sure there is a snug fit. Moisture must not escape and excess moisture must not enter when watering or syringing the plants. Support the plant with stake or splint to prevent breakage at the wounded area.
Figure 6. After the new roots have penetrated the moss ball and are visible on all sides, the rooted branch may be removed from the parent plant. The rooting time will vary with plant variety as well as the season in which it is performed.
Figure 7. Remove the newly rooted plant from the parent plant with a sharp knife or pruning shears, making the cut just below the ball of moss and roots. (Not illustrated) Carefully remove the polyethylene film. Without disturbing the roots or removing the ball of moss, plant in a container using a good potting mixture or plant in a well-prepared soil bed.
Figure 8. Placing a polyethylene tent over the newly potted plant for 4 to 8 days until the root system is well established is helpful as it will aid in preventing excessive loss of moisture. Keep the plant under a light shade and avoid direct sunlight until the new root system is well developed.
Many plants are lost in the final stage of the process because the root system is not sufficiently developed to sustain the top portion of the new plant. By utilizing the plastic tent illustrated in figure 8 or by keeping the new plant in a humid environment, it is possible to develop a good root system on rather large cuttings. Once the plant is well established, it is best to harden off the foliage by gradually exposing it to normal atmosphere. This can be done by cutting a few holes every few days in the plastic tent to reduce the humidity until it is similar to the external atmosphere.