goverment shutdown


HeadyNugz That is the rivision I was refering to that I was not aware of, Thus, I already stated I was in error lol


Well-Known Member
Thats Exactly my point, This administration is following the same progressive path FDR took with the new deal, except with a socialist twist.
Well, almost.....FDR was as socialist as they get. Obama brings Moderate Jihad. See? We are already double dipping the world recession, on purpose in Wartime....Russia rearms in the good times. Don't want that. WE have to suffer.

Let's just see it we can crash the price of oil, again, like at the end of BushII, but OPEC won't play ball.


Well-Known Member
Bull cock.
I'm perusing it now, all 906 pages.
Do me a solid, jump to page 766 sec 2717 Sub Section "C".
The one labeled "Protecting Second Amendment Rights".
The 1st of only a few hits on the specific search criteria "Gun".
It, in fact, overtly states to the exact CONTRARY of what you have just asserted.
Protip- Real Intellectuals fact check before taking propaganda spouted to them by some liberal nutjob as hard fact and then perpetuate misinformation.
I've no real opinion on the matter, and politically well... Ive been a card carrying NLP member since '00.

I just hate people who get something in their head *be it legitimate conviction or crock of conspiracy nonsense* and when they hear something, ANYTHING that supports it
No matter how ASSININE it would seem to the logical mind, they just go on about putting it out there like end all be all fact.
Does nothing but make aright ass of you, and the cause you martyr with along with you credibility.
Not jab at you mate, more rant you had the misfortune of triggering with what was probably unintentional ass-hattery.

*deep breath*
Hey, Nugs. Thanks for doing a simple job that most Americans seem to lazy to do. We are distracted by the main benefit and busily engaged in the offered Fraud.

The way it is working, there is no attempt to verify income. That was the rush of yesterday. Fraud and Abuse.

My wife and I know of 2 families now, that signed up for coverage, thought they are Contractors with $100K+/year.

Also, the cost vary widely from State to State, just like before.

So, think my way for a second. You have an underclass that could not even afford cell phones....that is like indoor plumbing in the USA.

They can barely make a no money down, Cadillac Allante payment which they only drive to Church to try to have some dignity in this modern world that is leaving them behind.

Then we get a 2 termed President who says he will spread the wreath and he does. Bails out the auto union Ponzi Schemes and all the way to this.

Hand out, Low cost, no precondition heath insurance, still State by State for anyone willing to Lie.

All the, pay for it, is pushed, till next year, maybe. States opt out. Unions and Congress opt out. This means only 2 things have happened. Big giveaway to the voting underclass. These "Expiditers" are job fair, giveaways sucking fraud and waste back into the Hood.

And the second thing is a Elite Medical Class now exists for those that manged to Lobby to be excluded from Obama Care.

Here is the deal, and Rome and London, Paris and Barcelona and Beijing know this from the middle Ages.

Fear the MOB. It is very real. And sacrifices must be made, by the better off classes, least the Mob burn down the place.