GotBeat's How To on Gumby Hash


Well-Known Member
so how many plants should be the minimum to even attempt making hash? what if there are no male plants around, can i just use my trim after harvest? how much female trim should i need if thats all i can get? thanks!


Well-Known Member
Left over trim after harvest should be way better than male leaf.
I was surprised at how much hash I got from 1 ounce of leaf, so even a half oz should give you some worthwhile hash.


Well-Known Member
wow im excited, so if i have like 8 or 9 females ranging from 1.5-2.5 feet tall, (they aren't too bushy or tall) do you think its worth a try. im going to try no matter what but it would be lame to only get a tiny bit. but still cool.


Well-Known Member
You'll have way better results with female trim then the male. I just tried it with the male trim cause thats all I had around.

The next go round Ill be using my female trim pretty excited cause I have about 3 ozs worth so figure 15% return of that will be a real nice chunk of hash for sure....well i hope anyways lol


Well-Known Member
Whoa there, 300 Gram's of trim is a lot, or too much I would say.

I started with 1 ounce (28.4 grams approx) and after success I tried with 3 ounces or around 85 grams and it was just too difficult.

Start with 30 of your 300 grams and learn from your outcome.

Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
Theres a good vid on youtube on making gumby hash:hump:The guy used about 700 grams of clippings and got about 2 or 3 ounces of hash,check it out.


Well-Known Member
whats the maximum amount I should use mix in one bucket? like 300 grams of trim?
Id prolly divide that if your using big buckets just makes it easier cause then at the end you can combine buckets in the glass jar phase.

The video that someone mentioned is posted under my first orginal post (pretty sure its still there haha)

And thanks for the rep


Well-Known Member
I don't know I've got about 50 grams that are totally dried....Another 150 that are still fairly fresh. I will let you know how that works out.

Enlightened One

Well-Known Member
Instead of rolling it into a ball(i like the dutch hash brick look allot more)can i dry it for 2 days,collect all the powder,put it in cellofane and baking paper,put it in the oven on 175F. for 10 min and then press it? (without using my fingers,instead i will be pressing it with a beer bottle and pressing it by going back and forth.).
Would this work with this awesome gumby method?
I would like to know too. I'm very interested in this method but only if I can press it. Also wouldn't be more affective too give it longer wait times to settle? It looked like it wasted a lot


Well-Known Member
shit, didn't even think about searching for gumby. do it for everything else but not this time lol

Started a thread. gonna post pics if I ever find a usb cord :(

Got it settling in glass jars now. Hoping it turns out well.


Well-Known Member
Still no luck with the usb cord. But anyways. Had it under warm lights all night till most of the water evaporated.

Smoked some yesterday. Good stuff!!! real baked :)!!!

Got a question for Gotbeat though. When rolling it into a ball did you heat it up prior to rolling? Seems like every time It doesn't want to stick together and falls apart into little pieces.

Any hash rolling advice from anyone?

First timer, ain't got that much experience in hash making.