got my nutes


Well-Known Member
got my nutes in the mail flora nova bloom just a lil confused on how much to use per gal. this will be its first feeding since sprout as of now im on my 4th day of flower veged about 6 weeks. it says

seedling 1/2tsp per gal 250ppm

most plants early growth 1tsp per gal 500ppm

most plants during later growth 2tsp per gal 950ppm

max strength for rapidly growing plants 3tsp per gal 1350ppm

so how much should i use for first feeding and so on sorry im new to this


According to ask Lucas he says 6 ml per gallon but according to it says 8ml per gallon. Ive used lucas for awhile, not with nova but couldnt be happier, give it a try... or you can do the 10 ml that the back of the bottle says (5ml per tsp) I'd do that every 3rd waterings if your in soil.


Well-Known Member
really need some help guys first feeding is 2nite when they wake up i know i have to start light but how light and when do i start giving it more


Well-Known Member
should i go by ppms when im mixing nutes how many ppms for a first feed and should i bump it up every feeding

also found this so i would give it 8ml per gal for every feed even my first im so confused
Lucas Formula using General Hydroponics FloraNova series

This is probably the easiest (but not cheapest - see MaxiBloom above) feeding plan available. If you're using General Hydroponics' FloraNova Bloom 1-part system, simply add 8ml of FloraNova per gallon of water* and feed.


Well-Known Member
I would stay with my veg nutes for at least another wk as they will need the nitrogen going thru stretch. Then i would start with the 250 ppm mix for a wk , see how they react. If no burn then gradually increase doseage each feeding. Always ph water regardless if its just plain or mixed.


Well-Known Member
I would stay with my veg nutes for at least another wk as they will need the nitrogen going thru stretch. Then i would start with the 250 ppm mix for a wk , see how they react. If no burn then gradually increase doseage each feeding. Always ph water regardless if its just plain or mixed.
didnt use nutes for veg just what was in the happy frog my tap water comes out at 200 ppm


Quit using cheap nutes. gh ff are garbage
Hey, Negative Nancy. Try backing up your statement with some facts, people who act like you just have are the worst kind.

I've been using GH Bio- line of vegan organic plant foods (aside from the BioMarine, which contains squid) and am having great success on a bagseed grow.


Well-Known Member
just got done with the feeding decided to hit it with about 5ml to a gal i guess ill see what happens


Like you saw the Lucas formal page says 8ml but the ask Lucas li Lucas states 6 Mls is good. But you got the right idea start lower you don't want to burn them. Also gh is good stuff. People get caught up in all the additives and crap other lines have but minerals used are basically all the same and that nova has a good amount of secondary and trace elements in to keep your plants happy