Got my girlfriend to model for my car (PICS)


Well-Known Member
You people are mean stoners. She just looks like a normal person (which she is!) on her myspace page. Who hasn't had some hideous pictures taken? I know I have. In fact, my husband commented to me while we were in Venice last month: He said, how come you are so beautiful but you look so ugly in pictures? I had to laugh because it's true; I pull distorted, awkward faces in 97% of my pics. That said, I only allow the 3% to make it to myspace.

The girl could use an eyeliner application lesson, but in any case, this is ridiculous. There is already so much wrong with our surface, money and image focused society; we should rise above ridiculing people for their looks.

I could type a really long analysis of this, but I'll spare ya. I do have a sense of humor but I guess I'm too sensitive; I hate to see people ripped into. Do unto others peeps. Though I'll admit I am human and I did chuckle at some comments.


Well-Known Member
I'm honestly shocked and appauled that people on this website have posted such degrading comments.

And unless you can post pics of your super model girlfriends, you have nothing to compare it too anyway.


Well-Known Member
I'm honestly shocked and appauled that people on this website have posted such degrading comments.

And unless you can post pics of your super model girlfriends, you have nothing to compare it too anyway.
i can, but won't. that's what separates us. :peace:


Well-Known Member
I'm honestly shocked and appauled that people on this website have posted such degrading comments.

And unless you can post pics of your super model girlfriends, you have nothing to compare it too anyway.
aight lets see your lady then tough guy..............


Well-Known Member
I'm honestly shocked and appauled that people on this website have posted such degrading comments.

And unless you can post pics of your super model girlfriends, you have nothing to compare it too anyway.
Woah.. you need a super model to compare to a she-dawg ?:shock:
thats like saying heres my 1972 shitsu, you cant compare unless your driving a 2008 lexus


Well-Known Member
I'm honestly shocked and appauled that people on this website have posted such degrading comments.

And unless you can post pics of your super model girlfriends, you have nothing to compare it too anyway.
My wife could take a shit proceed to smear the shit all over her ass cheeks take makeup and draw a ordinary smiley face on it and it would still look better than that "Thing".


Well-Known Member
Hell Shannon is not realy in my species either... unless she grew a brain... (the most attractive quality a girl could have after a nice rack).

Appart from my wife the majority of girls I like tend to be out of my leaugue


Well-Known Member
I'm honestly shocked and appauled that people on this website have posted such degrading comments.

And unless you can post pics of your super model girlfriends, you have nothing to compare it too anyway.
And I sir am shoked and appalled that the op can degrade his wife by posting pics of her over the internet. i recognise her from somewhere though.. hmmm
lord of the rings?