Got Banned From Live Chat For Being A Minor?


Active Member
hey whats going on today i was in the live chat chatting with ZaVe and i magically got banned from the chat for being a 25 years old, i was wondering if i could be unbanned or if some1 could help me out... iv been hanging out in the chat for a month now. all of a suddon i get banned please help.. thanks:peace:


Active Member
well the reason for me being banned is kind of a mis conception of words. this is all aver bc i said "iikes im 15 wtf" in reference to russOrs live chat statistics.. i was 15ths on the ranking list and i said that statement and was banned for "being the age of 15" witch was totally irrelivent to the topic and the ban was unnessary. as i said im 25 years old .. please unban me and thank you for your time:peace:


Well-Known Member
PM some mods man, they have a strict rule of kids wondering in this site, so any lil thing, they go after, im sure you'll get an answer


Active Member
thing is now i am having trouble trying to get in contact with the MODs im honestly having trouble bc i don't know who to go to about bans? wanna help me out any 1


Well-Known Member
look for FDD, or GrowTech, checc the support section, i kno they post and answer in there alot