got a pound in the freezer ?!?!


Well-Known Member
ok so i got a pound yesterday, and i need to know what is better

airtightness in ziploc baggies ? or ziploc bagged in the freezer ?

because i got it in the freezer and just pulled some out and it seems to be uncomfortably "crunchy"

does putting my weed (it's mid-lows if your wondering) in the freezer help with preserving it or fuck it up ?, i need to know b4 it's too late

please only peeps with :leaf:experience:leaf:

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
The freezer is a HORRIBLE place to store it! Get a couple of airtight jars and store in a cool dry place.... pantry???? Safe???? under the bed???? Pretty much ANYWHERE but the freezer.


Well-Known Member
oh yeah and why is that ? not that i dont trust you , just like to have to facts so when i'm tellin other peeps about it


Well-Known Member
if it was a brick and now its broken up keeping it in the freezer will keep it from losing weight. If your selling it you dont want that. If it was some dank i wouldnt advise it

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
oh yeah and why is that ? not that i dont trust you , just like to have to facts so when i'm tellin other peeps about it reasons are these:

1. Everything I've ever read on this forum says the Freezer is BAD. Seeds can be stored in the freezer in air tight containers but not finished crops.

2.) My book ... medical growers bible written by Jorge Cervantes says this:

Chapter 5, Harvest, page 103 Packaging and Storage...

"Do not place it in the freezer. Freezing draws moisture to the surface of the buds, which can harm resin glands on the surface. Place sealed containers in a cool dark place"

It also mentions that some growers vacuum seal the storage containers.

Hope that helps :D



Well-Known Member
I would get it out... your not fucked but it will dry it out some... Ive done so I know from experience .. if it did put some fresh spinach in it and that will help moisten it up.. I cant tell you why that works but I can tell you again from experience that it does work...

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
will it be ok , if i just left it in there overnight or am i just tottaly fucked now

Nope... one night is fine... you aren't fucked. Once you thaw it out... make sure you let it dry out thoroughly to get any moisture out before you re-seal and store it. :D


Well-Known Member
florida gurl thanx again on the info and the page number, i have the same book, it's taught me everything ( i guess i just skipped that part. but yeah it's all there right under packaging and storage