Got a bin bag full of shitty buds and trim what can I do with it?


Active Member
Got a massive bag of it. What’s the easiest way to make some use out of it without buy equipment and spending loads of fiddly hours. Any advice would be great


Well-Known Member
Whatever is the easiest and can be done in 1 hit. I think hash might be better than edibles
QWISO is quick hence the name. Quick wash ISO but the drying takes time as you need to allow the isopropyl alcohol to Evap.

BHO can be turned around in about an hour and can be heat purged without too much issue.

plenty will tell you that there are still butane left after heat purging and there probably is but most of use a butane lighter with a bong to take rips lol.


Well-Known Member
Since you have a mix of buds and trim I would do some kind of hash. Knock the trichomes off everything so you have something good to smoke.

Dry ice, or ice water hash.